red smudges

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btw rn pepper doesn't exist she comes in later

tw abuse , bl@de, THIS CHAPTERS A BIT MEAN ish

hours later i hear footsteps walking down the hall. I lock the door and sit in the corner of the room waiting for my father to come banging on the door. It felt weird if he would be able to just swing the door open

'oh y/n' i hear the smirk in his voice. Not wanting to keep him waiting i go and open the door, right when it swings open i feel a kick to my chest i fall back and slam against the wall. 'do better, y/n. you know this is just one of our lessons'.

'sir, i didn't mean to get caught, ill do more jobs, work longer hours or-' i got cut off by his hand wrapped around the neck of my shirt holding me up from the ground, he punches my stomach and i can feel blood in my mouth. As my stomach hurts, he punches me again in the face and lets go making me drop to the floor. He drops a bl@de next to my hands and i know what he wants. I don't want to keep him waiting so i crawl to the wall holding the blade in my hand i cut my finger open wincing as the cold metal pierces my skin. The bl00d begins to drip down my finger so i bring it up to the white wall.

I will not get caught

I will not get caught

I will not get caught

I will not get caught

The wall had red smudged words. it looked so disturbing but starks cold eyes watching my every move made me continue. Feared to make a mistake i kept writing until my finger stopped bleeding. Only then did i look back down at my lap waiting for what he was gonna do he kicked me over so i lay flat on my back causing me to whack my head on something. My fathers stomp his foot on my chest knocking the wind from me once again.

'learnt you lesson' he asks and when i don't reply he pushes his foot harder on my chest

'yes s-sir' i say struggling for breath. He kicks me once in the ribs i swear i herd a snap before closing the door and hopefully leaving. I just lay on the floor for a second trying to catch my breath. My head wont stop hurting so i reach a hand behind it and feel blood, shit. I try to get up as fast as i can but almost feel like imma faint as soon as i stand up. My head was spinning my stomach was aching and i could barely breathe, not good.

I stumbled out of my room and into the bathroom trying to find a towel or something i grab a towel of the bench and slide down the wall holding it to my head. As it began pounding, i closed my eyes and tried to steady my breathing.

I pulled the towel away once it stopped bleeding and threw it in the sink. Stumbling around the room i go to the sink and wash my hands. I didn't really have anything to treat any wounds so ill have to survive.

I walk out to the kitchen. This floor had barely any power only lights really. Conveniently on the other side of the floor there was where tony dumped a bunch of useless inventions so i managed to find an old minifridge and make an arc reactor to power it. I had fixed many things around the floor to make the stuff here somewhat functionable. Like a kettle and toilet i was next to make a phone i was already gathering parts

i would get water from the bathroom and boil it put and then put it in the fridge. At least i always had water. I was drinking said water when the elevator dinged i panicked but just stood in the middle of the kitchen

'oi brat heres some stuff i need from the shop be back before 7' he tells me throwing a notebook at my face taking a sip of his drink again before stumbling back to the elevator

I pick the paper off the floor to see his credit card paper clipped to the top with a bunch of different items i know id have to go to may different places. 


this book is so weird

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