|| Chapter 1: Normal Day ||

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[Twenty years later. Monday at 2:45 PM]

• WALL•E and EVE were having a good time with their friends. M•O and BRL-A fought VN-GO because as males they always did it just for fun, not for a specific reason. The girls, PR-T, EVE and FI-B, were laughing at them because it was so funny to see the boys fighting for nothing. WALL•E chuckled and went inside his home (the gigantic truck). VAQ-M and HAN-S didn't want to join the fight because it looked somewhat ridiculous to them but they giggled anyways.
Few minutes later WALL•E called EVE while he was inside his truck-like house, EVE responded and went inside with him. She looked a bit worried about how WALL•E's calling sounded but she immediately ignored it. Her inalambric claws scratched her boyfriend's object shelf. The scratching sounded really loudy and it almost broke WALL•E's ears. And it also scared her friends from outside the truck. EVE laughed a bit ashamed.

WALL•E removed some things between his collection of "treasures" that he found out in the first movie. EVE looked at him somewhat concerned but she didn't care too much. She preferred to keep calm while waiting for what he tried to show to her. WALL•E growled of impatience but he finally found the object he wanted to show to his girlfriend.
WALL•E had an exotic robot piece that nobody has seen it before. It was incredibly white and cleany and there was no any dirt stain in it. EVE realized it had strange letters like a some kind of phrase or a word. She asked him to borrow the piece and she took a moment to analyse it. Its visual expression looked interested. The cubic robot sighed and shaked his head while he was leaving home to meet with his friends.

[Axiom's scene at 3:00 PM]

Captain B. McCrea was writing an important document while staying inside his cabin. AUTO was still turned off since McCrea had fought him to return to Earth. He felt not ready yet to turn on his robotic mate because he could feel scared or intimidated. But internally he really wished to give AUTO a second opportunity to work with him. But still not, he just wanted to wait a bit more. He reflected about AUTO's behaviour and he realized as a Captain that he was wrong in a certain point because AUTO protected humanity for seven hundred years from Earth's devastation caused by ecological catastrophes and contamination. Also he knew AUTO just was following his directive. He was just a robot. And sometimes robots can be irrational, but considered potential intelligence. Also they try to act as humans did.
McCrea's mind was trying to understand the morality of robots. Sometimes it gave him chills just to think that robots could transform into ultra-powerful minds with strong morals. He stopped writing and he stand up to go for lunch. When he passed AUTO, he felt very strange sensations. Weird feelings and rare thoughts. The black eye of AUTO was really dirty so McCrea took a damp cloth and cleaned his eye with chemicals suitable for cleaning mobile device screens. After that, AUTO's eye brighted in full cleanness. McCrea sighed while smiling a bit.

[WALL•E's house at 3:26 PM]

EVE finally translated these Japanese letters and it said "lighter". She felt a bit more worried about it and lots of doubts came up to her mind. Its arms put inside the piece her body in her secret compartment where she was used to save the plant. Her glowing blue eyes were saying other thing. She left WALL•E's house to meet her friends again. WALL•E kissed her forehead once she met him outside. Their friends smiled.
Suddenly WALL•E's alarm started to sound loud. He recognized the meaning of why: a monstrous sand storm was coming. He screamed at his friends to hide on his truck-like house. They immediately went inside and EVE pushed a buttom to close the door. Fortunately they came inside just in time.
BRL-A started to feel very worried about his native house: the Axiom spaceship. He didn't know how strong the sand storm was to tear it down. EVE put her supposed inalambric hand on his umbrella to comfort them. BRL-A looked at her with a genuine smile. The female flying white android told them that nothing will happen to the Axiom because its weight was so many tons. M•O nodded his head.

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