|| Chapter 3: Catastrophe at the Axiom ||

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[ Twenty years later. Wednesday at 9:21 PM]

• The morning came up as always. The Sun raised up with its brightful colours. EVE woke up when WALL•E started to emit his typical alarm of low battery. EVE unfurled her wireless limbs and stretched as usual. WALL•E groaned in sleep and his visor began to focus on his surroundings. EVE chuckled and kissed his boyfriend with an electric arc. EVE immediately went to check if Emerald, the beast, was awake or asleep. She definitely was awake, walking in circles while growling and stretching its four limbs. WALL•E stretched his own limbs as well.
The monster yawned as it emitted a high-pitched shriek which nearly shook the overhanging shelves where WALL•E's "treasures" rested. WALL•E covered where it seems be his ears and said:

- Whoa!

EVE chuckled and pet the animal with gentleness. Emerald licked her visor and rubbed her head against her floating egg-like body. WALL•E smiled and went outside to charge his batteries with the Sun's energy. EVE companied him as she did yesterday at the morning. The beast shaked its furry body and went outside with them.
The Rejected Robots had woken up early and exited the Axiom to meet the couple and the monster. M•O led them to WALL•E's truck-like house. D-FIB flew towards Emerald once it saw her. The beast stood on two paws and hugged her with its front paws. She licked the screen and purred, happy to see its medical "savior." D-FIB chuckled and hugged back her new friend. M•O took one of its paws to greet it. The furry girl meowed and licked his screen and his head. The small Microbe Obliterator laughed nicely.

BRL-A asked EVE:

- Hey, EVE! How is this monster? Have you discovered something new about it?

EVE answered him:

- Yes, I did. Last night I discovered that it is actually a female, following my calculations, and its name is Emerald. "Emeraduro" in Japanese means that. I just could translate it since I have a phonetic alphabet and spelling in my language chip inside of me. I literally loved how it sounds. Emerald is a cool name for a giant monstrous dude like this one.

D-FIB left the animal and spoke:

- Do not invent, bestie! Really? That's very amazing! I remember you can speak more than three languages to be honest, ha, ha! So...Its name is Emerald? It sounds good. I agree with you.

EVE confirmed:

- Absolutely, friend!

Said this, EVE giggled. Emerald rubbed her head against D-FIB's cardioelectrical sholves in a cute way. The medical robot chuckled and pet its fur. Emerald smiled, almost showing its big and sharp fangs. WALL•E finished charging his solar energy and shaked his body. The beast licked his binocular-like eyes. He giggled, niced.
Minutes later the robots and the monster began to play games to wake up their systems and restore their electronic programming. Except for Emerald because she was an living being and not a some kind of cyborg, robot or other artificial intelligence.

[Axiom's scene at 9:30 PM]

Two Stewards (SECUR•T) were patrolling to keep the Axiom safe. One of them started to feel weird and they said:

- Hey, mate! I'm feeling somewhat bizarre! Can you feel the same like me?

The other Steward answered:

- No, bud. I don't feel anything. Why are you asking this? ~

They told their mate:

- Because I feel like something wrong will happen and I'm not sure if I will be able to decline my thoughts about this. It might be unavoidable.

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