Trouble in DC

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Chapter 4- Trouble in DC part 2

   Amelia pushed the hood up over her head to cover her face some more

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   Amelia pushed the hood up over her head to cover her face some more. The three walked through the mall towards the Apple store. "First rule of going on the run is don't run, walk." As soon as they entered the Apple store, Natasha pulled out the drive. "The device has a level six homing program, as soon as we boot it up, SHIELD will know exactly where we are."  "How much time will we have?" Steve questioned as Natasha proceed to insert the device "Nine minutes starting now." Amelia watched as Natasha tried to override the device before an Apple employee walked up to the three "Can I help you guys with anything?" Amelia put on a fake smile "No, My fiancé was just helping me pick out some honeymoon destination with the help of our friend"  Amelia quickly stated as she tangled her arm with Steve's. Steve quickly agreed to avoid suspicion "Right. We are getting married." The apple employee smiled "Congratulations! Where are you guys thinking of going?" The three looked at the laptop "New Jersey." Steve said. The employee narrowed his eyes slightly at Steve "I have the exact same glasses." Amelia quickly put on a fake smile "Wow, you two could be twins!"  "Yeah, I wish. Specimen. If you guys need anything, I've been Aaron." The three of them smiled "You said nine minutes. Come on." Steve said to Nat. "Relax. Got it." The three looked at the laptop and Amelia noticed Steve's facial expression change. "You know it?" She asked him then he looked at her. "I used to. Let's go." The three quickly left the apple store with the flash drive.

"Standard tac team. Two behind, two across and two coming straight at us." Steve said as the three walked quickly. "If they make us, I'll engage. You two hit the south escalator to the metro." Amelia quickly shook her head no "We're in this together Rogers." She quietly said to him. Before they know it, they're in a car heading to New Jersey. Natasha sat up front while Steve drove and Amelia hung out in the backseat. "So where did you learn where to steal a car Rogers? You're full of surprises aren't you?" Amelia questioned "It's called borrowing and Nazi, Germany." He replied and she just nodded. She quietly sat in back, while Steve and Nat talked. So many thoughts and emotions ran through her head. Soon the truck came to a stop and she climbed out of the truck at the same time as the other two. She stuck in her hands into her jacket as she looked around "The file came from these coordinates." Natasha said grabbing Amelia's attention "So did I. This camp is where I trained." Amelia followed the two to a bunker "This bunker seems to be in the wrong place." Amelia said as Steve broke open the door. The three went in and Amelia turned on the lights. As the lights turned on the three saw the SHIELD symbol. "This must be where Shield formed." Amelia said as she took a look around eventually stopping in front of what looked like bookshelves. "Isn't that Stark's father?" She questioned and Steve nodded "Howard." She nodded and looked at the other photo, unsure who the girl was but by Steve's expression she knew he knew her. "If you're already working in a secret office, why hid the elevator?" Steve questioned.

The three took the elevator down to a room filled with computers "This can't be the data point." Amelia hummed in agreement "Isn't this technology super ancient?" She questioned as Natasha made her way to the computer and placed the USB in the USB port sitting there. "Y-E-S spells Yes." Natasha said she typed on the keyboard. Soon the computer spoke up "Rogers, Steven Born 1918. Romanoff, Natalia Alianovna Born 1984. Lowman, Amelia Born 1985." The computer spoke with an accent. Amelia started at the computer "Maybe it's a recording?" She questioned "I am no recording, Fraulien. I may not be the same man I was when the captain took me prisoner in 1945." Steve looked up at towards the computer "But I am." Natasha looked towards Steve "You know this thing?" She questioned as Steve nodded "Arnim Zola was a German scientist, who worked for the Red Skull. He's been dead for years." Amelia looked around as Steve and Natasha continued to talk to Zola. She soon felt her phone ding and she took a look at it "Steve, Nat. We got a bogey. We have 30 seconds, top." Amelia said quickly as she looked at the two "Who fired it?" Steve question and Amelia looked at Natasha then Steve "SHIELD" Both Amelia and Natasha said at the same time "I am afraid I have been stalling Captain. Admit it, It is better this way. We are, both of us, out of time." Steve quickly found a place for the three to jump into. Amelia jumped in after the two and tried to help contain the blast as she best as she could but couldn't as the ruble collapsed around the the three.

Amelia coughed as she climbed out of the ruble along with Steve. Natasha was injured and she helped him carry her out. Soon the three were in front of someone's back door. Sam opened up the blinds then opened up the door "Hey man." Sam said to three "I'm sorry about this. We need a place to lay low." Steve said before Amelia spoke up "Everyone we know is trying to kill us." Sam looked around then shook his head "Not everyone." He said before letting the three in. He gave the three space to clean up as he made breakfast "Thank you." Amelia told Sam before she went to clean up. After she cleaned up she figured she should probably call Jax or Happy. She picked up her phone and dialed Happy who quickly answered "Amy? Is that you. Girl what the fuck is going on." He quickly questioned "Yes Hap, it's me. I'm okay and I can't explain just yet but I will explain at some point. I'm not sure when I'll be home but I'm okay and will keep in touch when I can. Are you near Jax?" Amelia said to her brother "Yeah hold on.." Amelia nodded even though Happy couldn't see her "Amy?" Jax questioned. "Hey I just wanted to let you know I'm okay. It will be a few days before I'm back. Look I have to go but I'll keep in touch when I can. Tell Hap I love him for me?" She questioned "Will do darlin' stay safe." Jax responded "Will do Jax, bye." She said before she hung up. After she hung up, Sam knocked on the door "I made breakfast if you're hungry." Amelia stood up and nodded as she followed Sam out to the kitchen. Shortly Steve and Natasha made their way into the kitchen while Amelia stuffed her face with food. "So who at SHIELD could lunch a domestic missile strike?" Steve questioned "Pierce." Amelia replied as all the dots began to connect in her head "He happens to be sitting on the top of the worlds most secured building." She said to the three as she took one last bite of food that Sam had made. The three well now four including Sam came up with a plan. Later on the four plus Jasper Sitwell sat in a car as Sam drove. Amelia looked at her phone then at Steve "Insight launches in 16 hours. We're cutting in close." She said as Steve nodded "I know. We'll use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the helicarriers directly." He said to the group "What? Are you crazy? That is a terrible, terrible idea!" Sitwell exclaimed before a metal arm reached through the car and threw Sitwell out of it. The Winter Solider began to shoot into the car. Natasha threw herself into Steve's lap to avoid the bullets while Amelia took cover as best as she could in the back. Steve threw the car into park which sent the winter solider flying onto the highway. The four looked at him as Natasha and Amelia instantly knew it was the winter solider. Before Natasha could shot at him an armed car slammed into the them. Amelia hit her head but was okay. The winter solider jumped back into Sam's car and yanked at the steering wheel "Shit!" Sam screamed and before they knew it the car began to roll "Hold on!" Steve grabbed Natasha and Amelia grabbed Sam. "hold on!" Amelia said to Sam as she used her powers to protect them. Steve and Natasha landed on the highway on his shield while Amelia and Sam landed on the pavement. "You okay?" Amelia asked Sam quickly to which he nodded.

Amelia quickly scanned around for Nat and Steve only to watch Steve get thrown back by a missile hit his shield. She instantly took cover behind a car as the shots began to fly towards Sam, Nat and herself. She pulled out her gun and began to fire back. Eventually she ended up off of the bridge fighting the winter solider, trying to help Steve as best as she could. Before she knew it she was shot in the arm. She ducked behind a car trying to load her gun up before she saw the winter solider on top of the car she was hiding behind. Steve luckily showed up then he began to fight the winter solider. During the fight the winter soldiers mask fell off and it was revealed to Steve that his best friend James Buchanan Barnes was actually the winter solider. "Bucky?" Steve questioned "Who's Bucky?" The winter solider asked back before Sam flew down and kicked Bucky in the back. Bucky looked at Steve before Natasha used the rocket blaster to send him flying back. Once the smoke lifted up he was gone. Sam spotted Amelia and ran over to her. "Amelia! Are you okay?" Sam asked worriedly "Yeah I'm okay, I let my guard for a second but I'm okay just need to be patched up."  Amelia replied back. Suddenly the group was surrounded by Rumlow and his men. The four were taken into SHIELD custody. On the way to SHIELD Hill saved the group and took them a secret location.

    When the group arrived to where Hill had taken them, a doctor was made aware of Amelia's injuries "She needs to be patched up!" The doctor shouted "She will want to see him first" Hill replied which left the group confused. Hill led them to a hospital looking room which then led them to Nick Fury. Amelia's face flashed with emotions, confused on how Nick was actually alive. She sat on a chair as the group talked she got patched up. They came up with a plan to take down Hydra which meant taking down Shield at the same time. She thanked the doctor for patching her up then went to go get ready. Luckily they had some of her equipment and she loaded up. Not long later they group arrived at Shield. Natasha's job was to take care of the security console and Pierce while the other three and Hill job's were to take down the helicarriers. Eventually they got the job done but no one could find Steve. Soon enough he was found by the river and taken to hospital. After a few days he finally woke up. A few days later Sam, Amelia, Steve, and Fury met up at a cemetery where Nick was supposedly buried. "I'm heading to Europe tonight, wanted to see if you would come with." Fury asked Steve "There's something I have to do first." Steve said as Fury nodded before looking towards Amelia "I'm staying here, might take a break this time." She said to her boss "What about you Wilson? Could use a man with your skills." Sam shook his head no "I'm more of a solider than a spy" He said truthfully before shaking Fury's hand. Steve then shook Fury's hand before Amelia gave Fury a hug. "If anyone asks for me tell them I'm right here" Fury said before pointing towards the grave then leaving. Natasha joins the group and hands Steve the file he asked for before she took off "You're going after him aren't you" Sam asked Steve to which he nodded "You don't have to come with." Sam looked at him "When do we start." Amelia looked at the two "I'm here to help too, just from California but I will help in anyway I can. We will get your friend back Steve." Amelia said to Steve before hugging him "If you two need me, you know where to find me. I will chase down leads out there." She said before hugging Sam "Thank you Amelia, for everything" Steve said to her before she gave him a smile. "Anytime Rogers. Except I'm not taking a bullet for you again" She said with a smile before leaving the two. She got into her car and sighed before starting her journey back to Charming

Up Next..
Amelia is finally back in Charming and the group begins questioning her about where she has been. Will secrets finally be revealed?

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