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chapter 3 !!


Thomas walked away down to the town, as I continued to look, did the kid want me to be happy or did he just want me gone?
I wonder how the raptors are doing right now.

After a long time I couldn't find anything, I actually don't know what I'm looking for, as I never saw his ship- I was just collecting anything that looks like it could be used. My old construction side would know what we needed, I decided to grab a piece of paper and a pen, as I drew instructions to make a decent ship.

Looking back, I don't know why I did that, I was probably going to be the only person using it.

I now just needed parts, which I suspected you could just buy from a local store

I headed down to town, (again).


I didnt know what the time was, the sun was starting to set. I saw a figure run up to me

"u-uh rex...?"
it was Lucy, trying to remember my name.

"Oh- hey wyldstyle."

"I talked to the others and you can come over for the night! Oh- this is so exciting, we're going to watch a movie, play games and-"

"So, it's a sleepover?"

"Uh- yeah. Thats basically it "

"When is it?"

"About now, I decided to look for you, you aren't busy right?"

"No, im free".

"Great! C'mon!"

I followed her to the queen's palace

"Hey there rex!"

"Dangervest man!"

They all acted kind, they probably regret the way they used to act. I don't mean to keep saying that stuff.

"you can take your shoes off if you want to, come up to the queen's bedroom! We're going to be deciding on a movie."

I feel like we did arrive late.


I don't know how much time passed but I think it was alot, nothing interesting happened except wyldstyle not shutting up about Emmet.
There was that one cliche scene where the protagonist meets their love intrest and they have that weird eye contact for a few secconds and she was all like

"ohh, this makes me sad, it reminds me about when I first met emmet, oh- he always told me it was like love at first sight, he still kept his feelings for me even after figuring out I was taken at the time"

Her personality has changed alot, I do feel abit bad for her, with the situation she had been put in, 'losing' the person who you loved the most, before you got to say sorry for making them change their whole personality and appearance just to impress you. Some of the things she said before they were taken still rings in my head. Knowing how much she misses the kind naive emmet I would probably become him again, though I now feel better as rex and I want to stay that way.

We did a few more things, the more memorable one being truth or dare.

I figured out alot.

Mainly being around unikitty's fanfiction obsession and the one time benny built a spaceship like a hamburger.

They figured out a thing or two about me, nothing that would suggest towards me being emmet.

We had some dinner, we built a pillow fort out of boredom, and we did impersonations of fictional characters.

soon enough, it was lights out, they gave me a sleeping bag, alongside everyone else, (except for wanabi and batman, they slept in the bed)

It took me abit to fall asleep, I was thinking about thomas, wether people in emmet's universe noticed my disapearence- it was alot to think about.

At about midnight I was thirsty so I went to get some water from the kitchen. As I was filling my glass I heard someone, guess who it was-

Lucy, obviously.

"Oh, lu- wyldstyle, what are you doing awake?"

"Rex! Oh- uhm- i- I was getting a drink, that's all!"

"Me too, you all are quite fun actually"

"Yeah, imagine staying here and getting to spend every day with those awesome people- and me too"

"Do you not consider yourself apart of the group?"

"No ofcourse I do!"
We both started laughing

"You said you were a traveler like person, I saw this really pretty clift view south of the palace, I want to show you it sometime soon, it looked like something someone like you would enjoy."

"Oh- sure, when are you saying?"

"I'm abit busy these next few days, but maybe Friday?"
it was a Sunday, things were progressing abit to fast, I already had things to worry about

"Sure, sounds great. I'll write it in my non exsisting calendar"

we both started laughing again.

"I'm gonna head back now, you coming?"


we both went back upstairs, lying back down in our sleeping bags and having a deep sleep.


A/N: believe it or not, this chapter alone has a 845 word count, it seems so short reading it normaly, ehh. Writers block has been hitting me with a bat. Mae out.

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