The Second Stage

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Shen Yi

That night, the entire team prepare a feast in the meeting room to celebrate the closure of Captain Lei's case as well as the M's murder and the fall of one of the most vicious men in the entire country. For their job well done the superiors highly praised them and they were promised a substantial bonus at the end of the year, which only added to the happy environment.

This time Shen Yi sat by Du Cheng in the long table of the meeting room, instead of in front of him like he usually do when Du Cheng was seated and try to drink as little as he could, because it was now well known that he had little tolerance to alcohol, but giving the occasion he could not refuse the many cheers that were offer in Captain Lei's honor, as well as for the justice done to the rescue women that now had seen their nightmare end.

Secretly he was also cheering for his own ending nightmare. His life had change in the very moment that Du Cheng had told him that his paintings kills and ever since he had worked hard to prove the man he could save lives too. It took him seven long years to work directly with Du Cheng and months of really hard work to gain his trust instead of his hatred. However, he was now living in bliss after so many years in his personal hell and he was loving this new chapter in his life.

He loved his relationship with Du Cheng, their mutual trust and understanding after clearing up their mess and he felt like a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders, even when deep inside he would had hoped for something more. Ah yeah... Shen Yi had obsessed with Du Cheng for years now, because he could not forget the way Du Cheng had look at him with his heart exposed when he asked so desperately for him to draw the face of the woman that had asked him to paint Captain Lei as an adult.

Back then he had no idea of what that painting will do to him, to Du Cheng and the Beijiang Police Sub-Bureau in general. A good man that risked his life to save those of others was killed because of his work, because he was too full of himself as a raising artist, because he never expected that his talent could be used in such a twisted way, because he didn't suspected that the woman was a criminal and he didn't care about the request, nor think on the consequences.

He lived in deep guilt for seven years and the source of that guilt was Du Cheng. He owed him too much, not only because it was thanks to him that Captain Lei was killed, but also because he could not draw the woman who ask for it, so the police at least could have a lead to find the elusive killer. So, giving something back to Du Cheng became his new north, even when he knew the police was avoiding putting them together, as Du Cheng had make clear he hated him after his interrogation.

However, when you wish for something hard enough and give it your all, eventually it will lead you where you want. Now, he was sat by Du Cheng, as his friend... and that was good enough, as he could not ask for more or risk losing everything he had gained so far.

It was not like Du Cheng had the same feelings as him... and he mean romantic feelings he had develop over the years he obsessed with the other man. He was not stupid, he knew Du Cheng cared for him yes, but not the same way and there was nothing he could do about it. At least, he got his friendship and he could even tease him from time to time... it was more than he ever expected and he was fine with them just been friends.

"Shen Yi... are you drunk? You look space out." Du Cheng ask him, taking him out of his thoughts. He smiled slightly and look at Du Cheng's dark eyes.

"Not really... I'm just a bit tired." Shen Yi answer.

"Oh... well, now that I think about it... it's quite late, close to midnight already." Du Cheng said as he looked at his watch.

"Alright guys, let's call it off for tonight... go home, I will take Shen Yi with me... just be careful on the road..." Du Cheng said as he stood and feeling a bit dizzy, Shen Yi follow his example, saying his goodbyes to the others as they protested for staying a for a bit longer.

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