I Got You

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Shen Yi

There was so much work to do in such a short period of time, so many things to investigate to try to solve one murder and one disappearance at the same time and he honestly was getting the strain of the pressure to hurry, so he could give something to Du Cheng to keep working on it and find something that could lead them to find Lin Min as soon as possible.

Du Cheng was working on all the leads, interviewing every single person he needed without giving himself any time to rest. The rest of the team was also working hard, watching videos from the security cameras and recollecting any usable information from Lin Min's cell phone that had end up been useless as everything seem to be reset to default, meaning they were definitely dealing with professionals.

Mostly because of that, they found not a single fingerprint on the apartment that was rented and the man who had done so had a mask covering his face as well as dark glasses, when he meet with the manager, saying he had a recent retina surgery and his eyes could not be exposed to the light and his immune system was low after an infection he got, so he rather protect himself from any contamination in the environment. It was because of that, the manager could not describe him other than he was slim and tall, because even his voice sounded kind of weak.

The cameras of the halls he avoids them and the one on the elevator, he keep his head low and with a cap, making it impossible to even have a glimpse that Shen Yi could use to their advantage. So far, he was really getting desperate to have anything to work with that can give him even the slightly hint of to where Lin Min was... but other than sketch Sun Bin's face he had nothing else to work with.

Thus to keep himself busy and his anxiety under control, he dedicate himself to portray Sun Bin as accurate as possible to what he looked before he was killed. As he worked, he make sure not to miss a single detail, on his reconstruction, so they could submit the picture into the system and see if they can find how he manage to avoid the police for such a long time.

Du Cheng believed that giving the fact that he was a wanted man, after what he did, Sun Bin had most likely taken another identity or manage to leave the city. If that was true, there was the possibility that he had connections with the black market and thus they may get something if he assumed someone else identity. His violent behavior and drinking habits could definably get him into more troubles at some point, thus perhaps his face was already in the system but with another name.

He worked tirelessly for long hours until the portrait was done to his satisfaction, but by then, night had already fall and most of the place was now emptier.

"Shen Yi..." Du Cheng called as he open the door and Shen Yi finally look up from his working table to look at him enter and close the door behind him.

"Did you manage to sketch it?" Du Cheng asked as he came closer and Shen Yi assented, passing the portrait to him to have a look at it.

"I make sure to make it the most accurate to his facial structure from the forensic photos taken of his face. No mistakes, I'm sure this is how he looked before he was killed." Shen Yi said as he closed his eyes for a moment.

"You are tired, let's go back home now." Du Cheng said softly as he put his hands over Shen Yi's tensed shoulders.

"I need for it to be submitted to the system." Shen Yi said as he lay back into Du Cheng's torso.

"That will only take us a few minutes. Whatever the result, you still need to rest and eat, and before you said you are not hungry, your cat most likely is, remember?" Du Cheng said as he try his best to massage Shen Yi's shoulders with gentle round moves on his tired shoulders.

"Alright... my place then..."

"Just for tonight... tomorrow, the cat will be transfer to my apartment."

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