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Shen Yi

"Shen Yi, tell me her number..." Du Cheng said to his lover, as his team headed out to get the cars ready for action at his command, but Shen Yi was so distraught, at the possibility of his childhood friend been hurt or killed that he seems not to hear him right away.

It was like in the moment Shen Yi saw that deep scar on that almost unrecognizable face, time had stopped for him and his brain was in the process of shutting down in panic. For a moment he was transported back at the moment that Du Cheng had told him his paintings kill, but this time it was not Captain Lei's face the one he was drawing, but Lin Min's, back when she was a child.

As students of the same art teacher, they knew each other since childhood and they develop a brother-sister relationship as they grew up under their teacher's wings and equal love for art. Obviously, as they grew closer, they knew more of each other including their family's ties.

Lin Min's mother was also a painter, a talented one that could have had a great future if her father and brother didn't tarnish her career. Lin Min's grandfather had an art gallery and it was through there that he met his wife, who have a great love for art and was interested in buying a few of the painting displayed in his gallery.

Through their deals, one thing lead to another and at the end they marry and have two children's. The older son was Sun Bin, which didn't have a hint of art in his body, but he was spoiled, as any kid from a rich family. Then, four years after Sun Bin was born, Sun Yin came and since she was a child, she showed she had the talent for drawing and so her parents nourish her talent to the fullest.

However, what begin as support and spoil became something else with the passing of time and Sun Yin's father pressed her to paint more, so he could put them on display and sell her art for a good amount, while her brother started harassing her as well, but in a different way.

Initially spoiled, Sun Bin turned nasty when all the attention he had went to his sister and he was left at the side, even when he never lacked of anything he wanted.

As the years passed and Sun Bin started to resent his sister more and more, he end up bulling her at times, when he could not control his rage or came home drunk. That of course, leaved Sun Yin with no choice but to flee from her home to start a new life without the hell she was living and lay low for the coming years. Then she meet Lin Min's dad, Lin Tao.

At that time, Sun Yin no longer painted for sale, for fear that her father and brother will find her, even when she had moved from her city to Beijiang. She worked on a restaurant as a waitress of which Lin Tao was a frequent client and as they interacted daily, eventually they fall in love and marry, a year after having Lin Min.

She also showed talent for painting since a child and perhaps, trying to ease her frustrated desire for her previous career, she find Lin Min the best teacher she hear off and pay for her art classes in hope this time her daughter could accomplish what she couldn't. However, when Lin Min was twelve, Sun Bin showed up in their house, after a few years of searching for his sister and started harassing both of them this time.

In one of those times, Lin Min's father had a fight with his brother in law and told him that if he ever showed up again, he will call the police and ask for a restriction order. However, seen himself corner, Sun Bin then try another approach and one night, after Shen Yi and Lin Min came out after a dinner in their teacher's house, in where they took their art classes, he came to take Lin Min with him.

Shen Yi was eleven back then, but seen that Lin Min didn't wanted to go with him and that he was trying to force her, he throw himself at Lin Min's uncle with punches to his back, so Sun Bin will let go of her and she could run away to safety. However, the man was stronger that both of them at that time and he easily got rid of him by punching him back, throwing him to the ground and go after her again.

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