Dark Clown

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Du Cheng

He saw Shen Yi give a step forward like if pulled by an invisible string  in a daze trance, but Du Cheng held him by placing his hand over his right shoulder and keep him from leaving the room.

"Gather the team and prepare to leave to the site. I will join you in a minute." He said to Jiang Feng, who seen that his Captain was going to talk with Shen Yi, left in a hurry to give them the space, making sure of closing the door behind him. He could tell by the artist expression that he was a bit shaken for apparently been involved in another case against his will.

"Shen Yi..." Du Cheng whisper, sensing Shen Yi's tension under the muscle he was gently holding.

"I'm fine, Du Cheng, no need to worry... it just took me by surprise." Shen Yi said as he turned to face him, seen his concern on Du Cheng's eyes.

"Then whatever this crime connection to your house break-in is, it only confirms that someone is targeting you." Du Cheng said softly as he took Shen Yi's hand on his own. It was colder than it should, but his face was a little paler than usual, which only meant Shen Yi was not as fine as he let him believe.

"Yes, I know..." Shen Yi said to him while slightly squeezing Du Cheng's hand.

"Are you ready for this new challenge?" Du Cheng asked him.

"Of course... I am a police officer after all." Shen Yi answer with a gentle smile that Du Cheng loved enough to forget he was at his office and that any of his un-ruled subordinates could open the door at any time and kiss Shen Yi on the spot. It was a short kiss, of course, but he sensed that it had relax Shen Yi at least a bit, which was what he wanted.

"I'm here for you this time..." Du Cheng said as he cupped Shen Yi's handsome face on his big hands. Shen Yi softly lean his head to the right, as he closed his eyes for a moment, savoring the bliss of having Du Cheng returning his feelings and supporting him to his next dark time.

"Thank you." Shen Yi whisper as he open his eyes and stared at those bewitching dark eyes.

"No need... let's go." Du Cheng said as he walked ahead and open the door for both of them to get out and join the rest of their team.

As usual, Shen Yi sat by his side and soon after, he started to doze. Du Cheng knew by now that Shen Yi couldn't really help it and only when his life was at risk, he could resist what cause him to fall asleep. He had made some research on it a while back and found out that the white noise his car engine emitted along with the tires while on the road, mixed with Shen Yi's lack of sleep, with perhaps another factors, were the perfect combinations to relax Shen Yi into dreamland, whatever he likes it or not.

The condition was not officially named but was known on the web as Carcolepsy, thus Du Cheng let Shen Yi sleep as he derived ahead of his team to their location, so he could face what was awaiting for him there with a rested mind. However, as soon as he stopped his car, he gently shake Shen Yi to wake him up.

"Shen Yi... we arrived, wake up." Du Cheng said as he shake him with a bit more force, which did the trick and Shen Yi open his eyes, giving him yet another of those devastating smiles.

"Sorry to always fall asleep like this..."

"Don't apologize, it's actually a good thing you can rest for a while. Now, let's go and see what they are throwing at us." Du Cheng said as he open the door and Shen Yi followed him to the place in where the body was thrown.

It was a rural road at the skirt of the city that wasn't overly used, just the local people or an occasional adventurer that wanted a bit of peace and quiet from the daily noise of the heart of the city. It was a local who had discover the body at the side of the road, just a bit while ago and called the police, as the man had his hands visible tied on his back and was wearing a full clown mask, painted white, black and red.

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