Killing some hunters

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Ember left the woods to go to the other city on the other side of the woods their city had something I need then, I'll do my job and hunt the hunters my pack in wolf "be careful" I buy a weapon with what money I had on me about 1.2 million dollars. I bought a katana "now I'm going to hunt the hunters" said in my mind. I see parts of my pack dead going to be cooked and eaten my parents found out about my mission to go kill some hunters that were hurting innocent wolves. My parents also found out about my wolf tail days before I left so my parents know.

I've been helping and get raised by the wolves, they go find the wolf pack in the woods the parents need the wolves to trust them they need the wolves to take them to their daughter so the wolves agreed but only once but the wolves will be hunted so during the day they become humans so they don't get killed. They step into the city one notice they werewolves so the wolf hunter shot one cold, she heard her a wolf die and starts running to kill the hunter there was a bounty for her capture for killing the hunters so once the hunter named Scott knew she would be coming Scott got scared and then Scott gets knocked out.

They tie him up and Scott was the one who killed the other 5 wolves and now he's killed 6. I saw my parents and hugged them then I said "I'm sorry I was lying to you guys I didn't know how you would feel knowing your daughter was a wolf." They replied " it's ok we wanted you safe so you did the right thing for not telling us" Scott wakes up and they question him saying "he was the wolf hunter leader he's hunted hundreds of wolves from city to city and your city was the last on my list.

"Ember replied saying "why do you need to hunt wolves you can change your ways," Scott said, "it's in my blood this city is full of wolf hunters, and if I stop they won't until every wolf is dead." Then she knew what to do "I know what I have to do then" her parents

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