Scott The Wolf Hunter

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We still had Scott tied up and we asked some questions "why did you hunt wolves" Scott replied "that his city didn't have any food and no plantation because of the soil they had."

So they had to use wolf meat to survive "Why did you start the hunt on wolves?" Scott said "two wolves killed his family his daughter." So they set a hunt for every last wolf. she told Scott "Killing these wolves won't bring your daughter back" you need to stop the hunt we don't go out hunt for food and my city is abandon. Scott said "your city is abandoned run down?" "Yes" she replied Scott then thinks.

Scott says "there is a city north of here that isn't run down." "where wolves and humans can live in peace and not having to live in different places" she thinks to herself, she loves the idea and runs back to the warehouse and say we're moving to a new city hey love the idea and start the walk to the new city. 

So they move new cities where Ember was the mayor of the city and gave everyone a house to live in rent free. And the wolf hunter city came to help get the city the way we want it and after that there were no more wolves dead well for now at least. 

The city they transformed the old one in to is there are more houses, a better warehouse, mayor's house, and lot more.

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