Everyone Is Dead Except The Old Man

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The three of them continue on their journey and continue to find no survivors so they start to head back but they hear someone screaming so they went to go see who was screaming and it was the old man who saved Ember from running into the woods a zombie was still alive from the zombie apocalypse. So they save the old guy and the old guy said to go without me I won't make it, we tried to give him the motivation to come with us but he was going to die in these harsh winters then Aylaa and Geta looked at Ember and asked why she wasn't freezing they go on and then the old man said she has wolf blood in her and she can survive winters with the wolf fur.

So then Ember knew nobody would survive the harsh weather that was about to hit so they find shelter and stay there until the weather isn't so harsh all through winter it never got better till spring so spring hits and they set out back to Ember's town and the old man agreed to come now because it was spring and they make it back and told everyone no one survived except the old man. The town's people asked where they were they were gone for months they said the winter was getting harsh so they took shelter and left when spring hit.

So then the old man brought things from the town he was stuck at like spell books and potions so he became an Enchanter and made potions and master spells and went to Ember and showed her the spells and he found a spell that can make her a wolf form and human form so the old man gave me the spellbook and the first time she did it she turned into a wolf form then she turned into a human form so she looked at other spells in the book the old man gave her and started to learn those spells so she learned those while the old man learned his spells. So she went to the old man's house to tell him she mastered the spells and learned more in the book the old man was impressed that she can master spells more quickly than others even wizards and witches so she became an enchantress wolf girl.

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