"New Home"

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(No one's P.O.V.)

Eden was still being transported overseas, it has been about 2 hours since he was taken from Stephen's possession, Eden never thought this would happen to him, let alone that he had to be forced out...
Eden arrived at Mr. Kosir's island after 3.5 hours...
As Eden was gently placed on his feet, and saw a little airport car with flashing yellow lights to follow him, as Eden follows the little car he notices other jaegers around his age, however something caught his eye, a jaeger that was almost pure black, with grey parts and a glowing blue visor as Kaiju blood, he didn't understand what to do, and then he just heard a horn below him and saw the little car just trying to get his attention, and he continued on his way, he later arrived at a wall area and the little car just gave a little honk and stop flashing its lights and left, Eden assumed this is where he was staying, he didn't think anything, he just went and sat against the wall and fell asleep...

*3 hours later*
(Eden's P.O.V.)

I woke up hearing machinery all around me, and I wasn't were I was left off, I was in a standard jaeger war chamber, (like the launch bay in the uprising movie...) and with the repair crew working all over my body, the only part they didn't work on was my con-pod...
"I see you're finally up..."
I look beside me to see Mr. Kosir, with someone else beside him...
"I would like you to meet who you'll be also working with you, my wife."
"Does she know?"
"How he helped you from a drugged criminal? Yes I do..."
I did not know what to even say towards that, I just looked at him and just decided to forget it...
"In any case, we'll repair you now, if you would please shut your systems to about... excuse me a moment, Gregory! How long would it take to repair Eden?"
"4 hours and 39 minutes Boss!" Gregory yelled from a distance...
"Thank you! Anyway, for 4 hours and 40 minutes, is that possible?"
"It is..."
"Alright, if you please Eden..."
I did as he said, and shut my systems down for his given time...

*4 hours and 40 minutes later*

I started to wake up and my vision felt better, it felt like it was new, I look at my side and didn't see Mr. Kosir there, and neither were the workers, I was left alone in the dark hangar, then I heard a something made of metal fall, but it was something small, I didn't know what it was, so I turned on my flood lights and saw a kid, then a worker came in and picked the kid up and left, I was confused till the lights came back on, and the hangar main doors opened and they brought in that same black and grey jaeger, I thought she was doing fine, then I looked at her arm and was very badly damaged, and now I was only guessing what happened...
"What happened to her?" I heard Mr. Kosir walking to me...
"Pardon?" I replied...
"What happened to her?" Mr. Kosir repeated the question...
"I don't know, I haven't left this structure, and even if I did try it wouldn't be quiet either..." I said as I could see that Mr. Kosir was both worried and angry...
"He's telling the truth boss, I was down here grabbing a certain someone sneaking around here..." I worker beamed from the repair structure...
" *sigh* was it Alex?" Mr. Kosir asked to the worker...
"It was sir." The worker replied...
"What did he do?"
"Nothing, he was trying to grab a wrench..."
"So that's what fell on the floor..." I said in between the conversation...
"Excuse me?" Mr. Kosir asked...
"I woke up and hear a metal sound, like something small fell, that must have been the wrench..." I replied...
"alright... Gregory! How are the repairs on Eden?!" Mr. Kosir yelled for his worker not knowing where he was...
"Completed sir! He is good as new!"
"Alright Eden, follow the car to your station, and they'll instruct you on what to do, and don't worry, I'm not who you think I am..."
Those words did not make any sense to me, they only confused me more...
I heard that same little airport car honking to get my attention and just lit a light to get me focused, and I did not know what in the world to do at this point...

*At the Seattle*

(Abyss P.O.V.)

At this point I have no idea what to think, of her, or my son...
Two enforcer jaegers were in the Seattle to make thing more "safer" and for the investigation that was put things became even more strange, regular officers telling us how to do our jobs, even though we were war jaegers...
"So what was the report?" Thornado asked...
"It is undecided, the PPDC is not sure whether to either feel sorry or arrest Hydra, her actions are beyond confusing, she did try to save her own sister, but selling our son in the process, along with handing herself in, none of it makes any sort of sense... *sigh* Did the tracker show anything?"
"No, the tracker is not responding, making me thing of one of three things happen to it, it was removed and destroyed, disabled, or it is just out of our radar reach..."
"Does that mean-"
"No, he is not in the Precursor realm, we know Eden, we know how headstrong he is, but he knows he is not ready to take on the Precursors..."
"Oh maker, why does this happen to our boy?"
"I don't know, but Eden in the end will return to us, and we know that snake that did it..."
"I think it's time for us to get some answers..."
We went to talk with the human officers and tell them to bring Maurice in, since Hydra said everything and she told who was behind the entire idea, the police got enough evidence on him and arrested him and destroyed all of those Scrappers rip-offs...
We wait for the police to bring Maurice, so we could start asking questions.
"Well, what do I have the honour of meeting my 'getting rich ticket' parents?" Maurice said as he was forcibly sat on an iron chair...

(Thornado's P.O.V.)

That comment from Maurice was enough to make Abyss want to murder him, but we could do that later, for now I just held her back so we could get our answers...
"What did you do with my son?" Abyss asked...
"I did what I wanted to." Maurice replied...
"What did you do?"
"I sold him to someone who was paying a fortune for it."
"He is not lying, the amount that this 'buyer' payed was 25 million American dollars for your son ma'am, and then from recorded information, he was sold while being chained to the ground and then the buyer left with Eden being damaged by his something and then he was transported via choppers, then their headed location is unknown..." one of the officers said...
" ... "
"What's the matter 'honey' at a loss for words?" Maurice mocked with a little smirk...
I was at the point of my patience, but apparently my wife has already crossed her's...
She picked him up by his feet, and hung him upside down, while he was looking dead into her visor, and I just noticed how blood red her visor became...
"You'll tell me where my son is, or I'll make sure you wished you were dead."
"What are you doing to do torture me?"
And he got what he asked, Abyss squeezed her fingers and crushing his feet, he scream could be heard all over the base.
"Ma'am stop this immetialy, we agreed to questioning not literal torture! Calm down!" One of the officer jaegers just said out of surprise...
"He kidnapped my son, sold him like an item and he is now missing doing the maker knows what, and you are telling me to calm down?!"
"Abyss." I interivined...
She looked to me, and she knew what I wanted, she dropped Maurice on my hand and started to walk away.
"If you can't get answers from him, I'll do things my way."
She left the room and I knew what she was wanting to do...
"Where is Eden?"
"I don't know, please."
"If you continue saying that I'll let her back in the room."
"No please, I swear I don't know! I tried to sell him, he didn't believe me! I gave information to a partner of mine and he was the one that made the deal..."
"Who is it."
"I can't say, I will be killed!"
"My wife will kill you if don't start talking."
"Stephen! Stephen is my partner!"
"Stephen who?"
"Stephen Glaicos! Please don't kill me!"
"The more you lie, the more you are going to suffer."
"I'm not lying, he was my partner in crime, he promised me part of the money for Eden if either of us could sell him, after Eden managed to escape me, he set a trap and sold him, I was promised a share of the money but, I was caught before the money transfer!"
I looked at the officers and nodded to them, I put Maurice on the ground, and started to leave, and made my way to my room, finding Abyss against a corner crying her core out...
I sat beside her and embrace her, as she continued crying and this time...

I didn't have anything to say to comfort her...

*at the Hong Kong Shatterdome*
(Nova's P.O.V.)

This is not helping me, Eden doesn't call, Uncle and Aunt are not saying a thing and I am here sitting on my structure bored half-way to deactivation...
I was currently going back and forth on a spot not to disturb anybody, till I felt Chrome hug me and lift me to a corner and make me sit.
"Love, I know you have a bond with Eden and his parents, but walking back and forth on a spot isn't exactly good for you, or for the floor..."
I looked at the ground and I could see very noticeable cracks on it...
"whoops..." I said...
" 'Whoops' is an understatement..." A voice said behind us...
I looked to see Abigail walking towards us with Kiva and Sienna following them...
"Where were you guys all this time and where in the maker's name is Brianna?" I asked...
"She's sick, we just came from her room..." Kiva answered...
"Doesn't that mean that you three are sick?" Chrome asked...
"No, it only means that we helped her, but what is the fuss about here, and why is there cracks on the ground?" Sienna asked..
"Weren't you listening?" Kiva replied to her question...
Chrome just looked at me with what it felt like 'I told you so'...
"Don't you dare say it..."
"But I will, 'I told you so...' "
Then we hear a small buzzing sound coming from Kiva's pants, she laters takes out her phone and see someone calling her...
"Who is it?" Sienna asked...
"It's Roger..." she replied...
"Hydra's pilot?" I asked...
"Yeah, hold on, Hey Roge, what's happening- wait, whoa-whoa-whoa, calm down, what happen? Who? Oh my God, is everyone okay? Oh poor soul... Did you tell? You want me? Are You Kidding me Roger?! *sigh* Fine, I'll tell, how are David and John taking it? Uh-huh... that bad? Alright, see you around Roger."
"What happen?" I asked...
"We have a problem...."

To be continued....

Guys just to be honest, I want feedback, if I can improve this series, or in the least put this series to an end, I would like some ideas, because there are people in Wattpad who has helped me and given me ideas, and I will put them in this book, and now, I just want opinions, okay?

Be safe everyone!

Gipsy Avenger X Saber Athena Part 5Where stories live. Discover now