The Job

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(Chrome's P.O.V.)
We were just getting informed that Eden was kidnapped and that the PDDC is putting every Shatterdome and Base on complete lockdown, every crew was said to remain close to their jaeger now, and the PPDC was issuing that every jaeger old enough was deployed to rendezvous coordinates for briefing...
"DAMNIT!" Nova yelled as she straight punched the wall...
"Honey calm down..."
"Calm down?! How can you be calm?! My cousin is in the hands of a greedy bag of sh-"
"Don't you dare finish that sentence love, last thing we need is to restrain you... Look, I know that Eden means a lot you, trust me, he means a lot to me too, but we won't get anything done by throwing tantrums.."
"Right, the only way to end this, is to go after him, come on."
I stepped infront of her and held her from the drop-off...
"What are you doing?!"
"Stopping you, Eden got kidnapped while he was off guard, what do you think will happen to you?!"
"I'll find my cousin!"
"By getting captured!?"
"I don't care!"
We both stopped to see Nova's mother in the corner, walking towards us...
"Are you considering my emotions in that matter?"
"Then don't go, Eden may be headstrong, but he is not foolish, just stay here Nova, let us handle this, when you're of age you'll understand, love come on, we need to get going..."
"Listen to your mother Nova, I was stubborn too, but that didn't stop me when it came to making important decisions, you may have graduated from the academy, but you lack experience to fight, and to make choices, stay here, and don't you dare leave, do you understand?"
" ... "
"Nova Hyperion, Do you understand?"
"Yes Dad..."
"Good, Chrome, make sure of it."
"Of course sir."
With that they left while Nova started to sob heavily, I did all I could, but to heal internal wounds, was not my specialty...

(Eden's P.O.V.)

Stephen's people finally managed to repair me, I could finally see normal, apparently they had a stupid ton of spare parts to repair me with, I wondered how they managed all of this..?
I later hear talking around me and see two jaegers discussing over the corner about something, but they seem upset, and so I was going to ask them, but a little car came and got my attention, and I had to follow, if not, I don't know what would happen, I didn't get a good look a the other jaegers there, all I saw were something that both jaegers kinda resembled battleships from German origin, from the old war, before the war against the Precursors...
As I was led through a small hallway, I came to see something strange when I saw light shine, I saw a massive operation, a giant dome being build, as if it had multiple functions, are repair station, a relax area for the pilots above the jaeger stations, and a manner of allowing jaegers to enter via the roof...
The little car honked and got my attention, it gave two little honks and left, and it didn't stop, I thought it meant to follow it, but then I heard a voice call to me...
"Eden, please come here!" Stephen said from a distance, I looked to my right and saw him in one of the area above one of the repair stations...
I walked to him and stopped just below the station...
"What is all this?"
"This is your home for now, you see, the line of work here is not hard at all, but I can be slightly dangerous for a human to work on it, but not as much for a jaeger..."
"You was to pair humans with jaegers to make the line of work for humans safer?"
"And more beneficial, when you also involved, not only are you helping the humans who might be your partners, but you will be aiding them, you see, this island is beyond massive, you can almost call it a country, it has a great many treasures and caverns, but most of them are far too big for a human, but for a jaeger it is far more convenient..."
I knew I couldn't escape, so better survive then die and become scrap...
"When do I start?"
"Glad you asked, would you please raise your hand flat for me?"
I did as he said, though a couldn't see what was happening there, then I felt a two taps on my hand and while I lower it I see Stephen on my hand waiting...
"Alright then, my boy, please go that way."
I did as he said, and went down a hallway, as I came to a stop due to a wall...
"This is a dead end Mr. Stephen..."
"Oh my boy, you lack imagination..." Stephen said as he clapped, as he did it, the wall split into two opening to a jungle, trees far more massive than me, standing so high I would have to climb to try so I could be higher...
"Is this what a forest feels like in your perspective?"
"Yes, but normally forests are far smaller than this, do you now understand why I said this is better suited to have a jaeger and two partners?"
"I think I do..."
"Alright then, my boy, these trees are big, each of these trees is a home for a Jaeger and their pilots, you will be in a squadron, you with your new pilots along with three other jaegers and their pilots will be working together, so I suggest you get aquatinted to your new home, it will be a long day of work tomorrow..." he said as I let out a silent sigh...
"Yes sir..."
"Thank you my boy, now do me one last favour for today, can you take me back to where to got me from..."
I did as he said to try and not get on his bad side, as I arrived to where I picked him up, I saw that there were people waiting for him, his wife and that kid...
"Look honey"
"PAPA!" I heard the kid yell in joy...
Apparently he was a father, and I almost squished him for that, he was a father and he could just lie straight to his wife and his kid's face?
I heard a commotion on my right as I saw another jaeger getting chased and then beaten up, it was that jaeger from where I was chained to the ground, while the other two jaegers just didn't stop...
"Eden stop them, now!"
I didn't know what came over me, I just took a shooting stance and used my main cannon (his chest cannon) and shot the shoulder of both the jaegers, later on jaegers that looked like construction workers came and dragged the jaegers I shot away, and I eased off my stance and went to the injured jaeger...
"Excellent job Eden, you just saved a member of your squadron... Meet Shadow Fury..."

To be continued...

So guys I will be making art from this scene, but I need to finish another drawing, and I will then start on this drawing, I just ask do get your hopes too high because I am not a professional artist...
Stay safe guys and if you have any questions just ask...

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