Pivot Point

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(Eden's P.O.V.)
I was getting tired of all of this...
From getting tossed around, getting in skirmishes to live and now to have to deal with a psychopathic duo that comes every now and then to try and find me...
I was at my limit... My trance of anger was interrupted by a little car honking at me, I stopped and it just drove off, later it stopped, turned around and honked at me again, I knew it wanted me to follow it...
As I went through the door to the base I went to that clearing again, to find Mr. Stephen waiting on one of the platforms...
"Eden, good yo arrived.."
"Please don't tell me it's those two again Mr. Stephen..."
"No no, it's not them, I want you to patrol the Eastern Border line of the island..."
"With one of those 'ball soldiers' ?"
"No, you and you alone. I know you're more then responsible enough to do it alone..."
I was actually surprised that he trusted me, or that he knew I wouldn't try anything if I loved my family...
"Yes sir..."
"Atta' boy, now one of the 'ball soldiers' will guide you and give you your designated path to a patrol, if you see any humans, make them turn back, it doesn't matter in what method, same if you see another jaeger, however if you see a ship, you are to hide immetialy, understood?"
"Completely... "
"Then I suggest you get going..."
I did as he said and followed one of his soldiers, and I was led through a rough part of the forest and some trees, when I got out of it I was at the shore-line, and so I started my 'shift' of patrolling...

*time skip*

I still was patrolling part of a border of the island as Mr. Stephen requested...
I saw a small ship about a few nautical miles off the coast and I knew the drill, I started running to the tree line, and dove like a diver when I arrived at the tree line while also hiding, I saw the boat turning around and leaving the shore line, but I needed to wait...

*Time skip*

After the boat was out of site, I got up and continued my patrol on the shore line, and I didn't see too much, just a bunch of sand and rocks, till I saw some small (jaeger) kids playing, immetialy one stopped playing and just stared at me, the second kid noticed his friend and did the exact same thing, later they started running and I followed them...
"Wait!" I yelled for them, but they only ran faster...
They soon led me deep in the vegetation and I lost sight of them, the vegetation was so thick and dense I could see anything, I stopped from not being able to see them, but I was still hearing them running, I continued to follow the sounds of their little foots steps, however, I couldn't run, the vegetation being so thick, it just made me walk, I continued to hear them run, but as their footsteps got quieter, I just heard them stop, I followed in a straight line and saw a large tree, but inside there was something, I couldn't see what it was exactly, but as I got closer, I saw the hole was big enough for me to go inside, but I didn't move forward, I got surprised and shocked to what I saw...

I saw an older jaeger, probably as old as my mother but she was torn to almost shred, her legs were gone and her right arm works but had no hand, she only had her left arm intact and working...

I didn't know what to do, I saw the kids hiding behind the gap between the dead jaeger and the wall, I moved towards them and take them out of such a place, I saw a hand grab my wrist and I looked to see the old jaeger holding my wrist while trying to squish it, and almost being able to do it...
"Get away from my sons!" The jaeger said as she pushed me off while I hit my conn-pod against the top of the entrance...
I looked back at the reanimated jaeger and I could see she was ready to kill me...
"Miss, I don't want to fight, I'm just wondering why all three of you are just staying here..."
"I don't need to say this, to one of Stephen's lackies..."
"I'm not one of his lackies, I'm a prisoner here to, I just can't go back home..."
"Lies, my sons saw you with your group take down another group while protecting a large gem, and then presenting it to him... How can you not be?"
I was surprised, her sons spied on us? They're better than I thought...
"Miss, my name is Eden Assassin, I am the son of Thornado, and Revolver Abyss, I'm here not by choice, I was kidnapped, and I want to go home, but, I can't due to there being explosives there..."
"You think I was born yesterday? I know them, and they don't have a child, if they did I would know, get out of my sight liar..."
I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little afraid...
I started to back up and ran back to the beach and I was just scared for my life, when I got in the clear I was calmer than before, but I just ran around the area I was supposed to, I took one look back and just see a kid go out of the bush and I just started to run...

*time skip*

I came back to base trying to cool down my core, since it was close to overheating (panting), I looked to see Mr. Stephen staring at me from his platform, in wonder why was I like this....
"Eden, why are you running?"
'I knew it...' "I just got some adrenaline kick in sir..."
"How can jaegers have adrenaline?"
"Don't know sir, just have..."
"alright, anything to report?"
I thought it for a moment, but if I mentioned that mother, and she knew my mother, then... things would be bad not only for her but for me too...
"No sir, just saw a boat in the a few nautical miles off, I did as instructed..."
"Did they see you? What symbol did the boat have?"
"First, I don't know sir, that is a possibility, and I couldn't see any symbol on their boat..."
"They might be back here tomorrow, get some rest Eden, I'll see what that boat was about..."
"Alright sir..."
I went back to my station and saw everyone already asleep from the day, I followed their example and went to sleep...


I woke up in the middle of the night because I felt something on my leg, I decided to look and thinking that was just some trunk that hit my legs, when I look I'm shot awake to see one of the kids earlier today clinging to my leg...
"What are you doing here?!" I yell while whispering not to wake the others...
The kid just didn't respond and clung more to my leg, I decided to pick-up the kid, I looked around to see if there was anyone around and I decided to take him back to his mother, however, that was easier said then done, as I was walking through the woods, some of the construction jaegers walked around with a search light, either they were patrolling, or their looking for a certain someone...
"If get caught, you will run to your mother understand?" I said as I placed the kid infront of me...
The kid only nods a little and I proceed to place him on my back and continue to walk to where I found him...
When I got to the tree, I could see a visor glowing...
I already knew that it was his mother, and I also knew that she was beyond ready to rip my conn-pod off from my body, or rip my core out for all I know...
I entered the tree and found his brother hiding behind his mother again...
"What do you want? If you're here for answers, save your breath, I'm not saying nothing to you..."
"I actually came down to return something, before I got caught and my family has to pay for my 'insubordination'...
I proceeded to take the kid from my back and put him on the ground, I could see that his mother was beyond worried and horrified from seeing that scene...
Her son quickly ran to her as soon as I put him on the ground, she hugged him with her good arm and then looked at me with a menacing look...
"What were you doing with my son?"
"He came to me, I just came to return him..."
She looked at him and saw him nodding, she looked at me with doubt, but still seemed ready to kill me...
"Don't ever do that again, you understand?" She said while looking down at her kid, while he just nodded in shame...
She looked back at me and I saw her hand turn into a plasma cannon while pointing it at me, and that is one think I don't need to mess with...
"Get out."
"I'm gone..." I said while stepping back fast...
She still had her plasma cannon aiming at me till I left I could not see anything more, I just went back to the station hoping no-one would see me...
I went to sleep scared on what could happen next...

Gipsy Avenger X Saber Athena Part 5Where stories live. Discover now