A Day of Work

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(Eden's P.O.V.)
I was surprised to say in the least, why would they chase and beat another jaeger here...
"Eden, please show Ms. Shadow to the tree area where I took you, and put her inside one of the trees."
"The door way only reacts to your clap, does it not?" I asked...
"The door opens if you clap too Eden, anyone can pass through that door, not just me..." he replied...
"Alright then, can you walk?" I asked Fury...
"No... I think my ankle joint is busted..." she replied...
"The trees houses have a fully built repair station, just take her there and let the works do their job Eden." Mr. Stephen said...
"Yes sir..." I replied feeling like some sort of corrupt soldier...
I do as he told me to and grabbed her by her arm and put it behind my conn-pod and helped carry her to her station, as I arrived to the trees, I see two other jaegers standing in their own personal bay, then I remember, when I saw two German like warship jaegers turned to actually be very different from a long distance, up close they were nothing like German engineering, one was more French and the other was American, I think...
Either way, there are there and I decided not to pay them any mind now, I put Fury in her station and I went to mine, as soon as I got in, I felt sleep-ish, it was either the fact that I have been walking for a full day without rest, or was something about these trees...
Not mattering, I decided to go sleep, I was going to get real busy down this path...

(Chrome's P.O.V.)
I couldn't bear this, Nova became exceedingly jumpy due to her parents leaving her dome, along with Eden still missing, and to finish off the oil cake, is the fact that we have an idea who is behind the whole operation, the fact is that he is almost untouchable, Mr. Stephen Glaicos Kosir, making numerous kind acts he made himself known within a few short months, in whatever case, he was dangerous, if what that coward Maurice said is true, then he is holding up Eden in a island, but the problem being that he doesn't know where that island is and even if he did, he couldn't get within a nautical mile without being shot to the bottom of the ocean...
'Its already night? This is getting rather lengthy...'
I looked at Nova to see her being carried by one of her uncles to her room, apparently she cried so much it exhausted her energy supply, as soon as she is taken away I hear chopper coming from afar, I readied my cannons just in case, till I see it's just her parents, I lowered my weapons to not mis-fire in any case...
"Trying to shoot us?" Ms. Athena asked...
"Sorry, it was just instinct..." I replied...
"Nothing to apologize, you are just following your core, that has nothing to be ashamed of..."
" *sigh* how did the briefing go?"
"Poorly, so far the PPDC has not a clue what to do, the most recent order sent out is 'stay in your domes, and protect your children, these are not the first younglings went missing...' , unbelievable..." Mr. Avenger replied...
"There were others before?" I asked in disbelief...
"Yes, the PPDC didn't tell to try and send all the other crews in despair, that was the idea till Abyss made herself known and said how Eden is missing, other parents started saying the same and this threw some of the PPDC personal straight to jail, and some are even going to physical labour due to the gravity of the situation..."
"So basically he is being slaved?"
"Isn't that against Earth laws?"
"The PPDC did this under the radar, if it does come to light we will own, no objections, to think that parents have to bear losing their children? Unacceptable." Ms. Athena replied
I sighed due to the gravity of all this nonsense...
"Where is Nova?" She asked...
"Her uncle Bravo came and took her to her room, she cried so much after you left I think she depleted her energy by crying so much..."
"Oh maker..." she said in a worrisome tone...
"How is she?" Mr. Avenger asked...
"I checked on her 5 minutes ago, she's sleeping like a human baby."
"That's good, get some sleep Chrome, you do deserve it." Mr. Avenger said...
"Thank you sir."
As I walked to my shared room with Nova, I looked back to see Mr. Avenger and his Ms. Athena staying out and looking at the stars...
I wonder why they are there?

*time skip to morning in the next day*
*with Eden*

(Eden's P.O.V.)

I woke up bright and early, but felt sore for some reason...
'What happen to me?'
"Good morning shiny..." I looked to see one of the other jaegers I never met calling for me...
"Sorry, did you call me 'Shiny?' "
"She's calling you 'fresh meat' lug-nuts" The second jaeger replied as he walked by...
'Now I get it...'
"How is the other shiny?"
"She's still under repair..."
"She didn't tell, but the idiots bullying her apparently beat her on a daily basis, and she tried to hide is and repair herself, that only damaged her more, the engineering group only found this 50 minutes ago..."
"Oh maker, do others become more stupid the more they stay on this island?!"
"Depends how you look at it." A voice interrupted their conversation, I looked to see it was Mr. Stephen...
"Sir..." We all replied in not a really happy tone, it was more like a serious tone...
"Good morning to all of you, I believe you met you new teammates, Eden Assassin and Shadow Fury..."
"Sir why do we need more people in our team, you said we were going to stay a duo if we did well enough..."
"yes, but your last report said there was an obstacle, that it would take a sharpshooter to get the job done..."
"Yes, neither of us have the correct amount of fire power, we would just blow it up..."
"That is why they are joining your duo, making a squadron, now to make something clear, none of you are the leader, nor are your pilots, when you will decide, it will put into a vote, if it becomes to a tie come see me, and I'll decide, clear?"
"Yes sir..." we all answered except for Shadow...
"Ms. Fury? Is it clear?"
"Alright, please get to work, oh Eden and Shadow, I would like you to meet your new pilots, Eden, these are Havier Darvesh and Joanis Sentel, Shadow, Erik and Erika Choutes."
I wasn't happy with the idea of new pilots especially that this was un-discussible, if they get any ideas, I know how to shut them up...
I kneeled down to get my "pilots" and put them in direction with my conn-pod entrance...
"So you're Eden Assassin, not bad if I do say so, I heard he knocked down J-14 and B-09, but this is not half bad, and now see why he wasn't put straight into commission..." Said Havier...
"What do you mean?" Joanis replied...
"Look at my side..."
"Oh, the repair marks..."
"However they got him here, it wasn't without some effort..."
I got extremely annoyed on how they were, they can't try to be a bit more quiet or something?
I did not understand how did they even match with me, better yet, if they chose me because of my looks...
I didn't see Shadow's pilots too well, but they were definitely not twins, and were on the quiet side, so that's a plus for her, since all the nonsense happened....
As soon as those two were inside my conn-pod I follow the other two jaegers and they run around facing towards me and Shadow...
"Are you all done?" The bigger jaeger asked...
"Yes, why?" I replied...
"nothing, just making sure lug-nut, besides, being a hero here isn't a good thing..."
"Don't mind him, he's just grumpy on a daily basis..." the smaller jaeger replied...
"Stop it!" The bigger said as he game a bit of a smack to the smaller's jaegers head...
"Alright, first of all who are you two, and what are we trying to extract?" I said trying to make sense of all of this nonsense...
The bigger jaeger stopped and turned around to face me and shadow, he was basically my height with only centimetres apart, compared to his friend then she was a few meters shorter....
" *sigh* do we have to waste time with this?" He asked...
"We're in a group, we ain't here by choice, so we might as well stick together or time can destroy us." The replied...
" *sigh* "
"It was your choice to report our findings and results Wolf..." she added...
"Fine, I'm S.S. Wolf, and she is Delta Wehrmacht." He said...
"Call me Delta, and this big hunk of intelligence is almost good for nothing without some help..."
"Delta stop, we're siblings, but we need help, and you'll understand why..."
"Come on, we'll see if you can help us with out little debacle..."
I look a Shadow to see her looking at me but quickly turning away, I looked a little confused, but I continue to walk, with her following me...

Gipsy Avenger X Saber Athena Part 5حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن