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(Eden's P.O.V.)

I was still shocked how Hydra, his ex-girlfriend was actually Shadow's sister, I was at a lost...
I felt a had on my shoulder and I looked to see a blue visor look to me...
"What's the matter?"
"Oh, just remembering some bad memories..." I replied...
"Don't worry, it's not your fault... *sigh* I think its about time we head back, they'll start thinking that we will try to escape..."
We turned our floods back on and started to make our way back to the posts...


We came back to the posts and we saw that Delta was gone and Wolf was having his guns tinkered with...
"What happen to you?" I asked as I saw him shoving a metal rod down his cannon...
"My gun won't reload automatically, I'm trying to understand why... And where were you two earlier today?"
"We were talking..."
"The cavern"
"What cavern?"
"You know, THE cavern..."
"There are hundreds of caverns here, be more specific..."
"The one we dug the crystal from..."
"Why go there?"
"We just wanted to talk in private Wolf, we're not planning to try to escape..."
"And I suggest you don't, trying to escape will get you in the arena..."
"Don't go without notifying us..."
"Why worried?"
"No, I just don't want to watch more of our kind to go to that death trap..."
Later we hear footsteps coming and we see Delta and Mr. Stephen on her hand...
"Good morning to all of you, how was your sleep?" Mr. Stephen asked as he looked as if someone gave him a glossy shine...
"Not bad..." I replied...
"Good..." Shadow replied...
" . . . "
"Wolf... say something" Delta said to him as he just blankly looked at her...
"Something..." he bluntly replied to Detla's comment...
"No, not- ... Oh maker..."
"Don't worry, if he doesn't want to say, then let him be, I do however need your cooperation on operation."
"What operation?" Wolf got his interest peaked...
"Rescue, one squadron got caught between a small chasm, and a avalanche..."
"How did they manage that?" Delta asked as she place Mr. Stephen on o solid platform...
"They thought they saw a Mutavore... Only to find a bunch of leaves making a Mutavore head and got trapped, if they make any sudden movements then they will be buried in 300 tons of rubble..."
I looked at the others and saw them thinking...
I can't say much, I was never commissioned before any of this...
"Can we drag them?" Wolf asked...
"Sure if you want them to fall into the chasm Wolf.." Delta replied...
"H-How about arial pick-up..." Shadow suggested...
"Possible, but if the helicopter's blades cause vibrations and the vibrations will be enough to start the avalanche.." I replied...
"So what? Do we cause and avalanche and use that as our way to fill the valley so they can run to us?" Wolf said out of annoyance...
"That is actually not a bad idea Wolf... The avalanche would actually fill the chasm along with giving them a chance to run..." Mr. Stephen said as I just felt like my core stopped for a moment...
"Sir, I was being sarcastic, the avalanche would reach them before even start filling the chasm..."
"True, but not if you fill a portion of it first..."
"Sorry what?"
"Go to the site, start picking up rocks and throw inside the chasm, fill it till you see some of the rocks, then make the avalanche happen..."
"You want to kill them?" I said out of disbelief...
"Don't be silly Eden, I want to rescue and what Wolf said gave me that idea, not get going, they stayed there for too long.."
I knew if I said no, I might just go to the arena, but going with it is the best option..
As we got ready to go Mr. Stephen approaches me...
"Eden..." Mr. Stephen called me...
"I want you to stay, you are not going on this mission..."
"Alright, I'll inform Wolf..."
"I told Delta to tell him, I want you do accompany me, come..." Mr. Stephen said as he taps his cane on the ground...
I did as he said and picked him up and went into the base...
I looked back and saw the others leaving for the mission, Shadow looked back at me, and I waved her a goodbye for now, she waved back and quickly turned and continued her way with the others...
I continued looking till I felt tapping on my hand, and saw Mr. Stephen tapping his cane on my hand...
"Eden, please, it's time."
"Right, sorry sir..."
"It's not polite to keep someone waiting, especially a lady..."
"Do you mean your wife sir?"
"Mature Eden, but no, this one is not for me, this one is for you..."

Gipsy Avenger X Saber Athena Part 5Where stories live. Discover now