The Tour of Pembroke

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Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann rises early in the morning and she rises and takes a bath and she dresses in her favorite Victorian dress.

Lord Richard William Carey, Duke of Bedford Territory and Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley awaits outside her door and she walks out of her door " What no Lord Andrew Charles?" Lady Karissa asks.

"Lord Andrew Charles is downstairs waiting for you." Lord Richard William tells her.

Lady Karissa walks down the stairs with Lord Richard William Carey and Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley and waiting in the living room is Lt Richard Williams with Lord Andrew Charles.

Lord Andrew Charles stands up as Lady Karissa enters the room and he bows and she curtsy " I see you are keeping Lt. William entertained." Lady Karissa asks him.

"Lord Richard William Carey is the senior Duke here and he is supposed to escort you down until I become Duke of Norfolk Territory." Lord Andrew Charles tells Lady Karissa.

"Some Duke of Norfolk you will make." Lady Karissa tells him.

"Let's hope it isn't a short Dukedom for you." Lady Karissa explains.

"Today we are going to travel through Pembroke and greet and meet the townspeople." Lady Karissa tells him.

Lady Karissa with Lord Richard William Carey and Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley is joined by Lord Andrew Charles Howard and Lt. Richard Williams.

They all sit down and eat breakfast together before they start on their visit.

"Lord Andrew Charles. I really think your father should take a tour of Pembroke." Lady Karissa tells him.

"I will tell my father when we return to Norfolk." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

Lord Andrew Charles with Lady Karissa, Lord Richard William Carey, Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley, and Lt Richard Williams climb into the Howard carriage and they travel to Pembroke Territory.

Pembroke Territory is primarily agriculture and they ride through Pembroke Territory and the people of Pembroke start to line the streets as they see The Howard carriage drive through the street of Pembroke.

Lady Karissa asks the driver to stop the carriage and Lord Richard William steps out of the carriage with Lord Andrew Charles and they give their hands to Lady Karissa and she walks among her people and some children give her a bouquet of white and red roses with red and white streamers.

One gentleman walks up to Lord Andrew Charles " Excuse Lord Howard. Why hasn't your father appointed us someone sooner?"

"My good sir. I don't know why. My father has so many vacant territories and I am afraid of the Howard's you see before you are fourth generation." Lord Andrew Charles states.

"My father recently appointed my first cousin, Duke of Wessex Territory, my first cousin once removed, Earl of Essex Territory and my first cousin twice removed Duke of Windsor Territory." Lord Andrew Charles states.

"Sir. Lord Howard has two older sons?" The gentleman explains.

"My father didn't see them worthy of becoming MARQUESS." Lord Andrew Charles explains, "but he did see fit to give you a Marchioness."

"My father is very proud of the appointment of Lady Elizabeth Ann Howard, who was my great-great-aunt." Lord Andrew Charles explains.

"I really don't know what my father has planned for my two brothers." Lord Andrew Charles explains.

"Lord Howard, your father had a sister and aunt." The gentleman tells him.

"Lady Sophia Charlotte married Lord Bourbon and she has two children in Lennox Territory." Lord Andrew Charles explains, " My great-aunt married Lord William Carey. The gentleman standing over there is her great-grandson, Lord Richard William Carey." Lord Andrew Charles explains.

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