- Vacation ? [ I ]

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Ugh. My back hurts. Fucking damn it must be that last night's haul party. Ugh I wonder what they did for breakfast this time. If they did any that is.

As I get out of bed, I hear some familiar, loud, ear shattering voices. Great. They're at it again.

"GIVE ME BACK MY FUCKING PUSH POP OR I HAD IT WITH YOU AND YOUR BULLSHIT" the slim, tall figure shouted. Clearly in rage.

"BUT I GOT IT FIRST!" the other replied as he swallowed the orange, tango push pop. It vanished with a blink of an eye.

"Oh hey Wolf, you're up early today" a meek voice greeted me.

"Morning Webs" I let out a stretch. Oh that felt good."Usual occasion?"

"Well you know them" she replied. "Would kill each other today, exchanging their lives the next." she shrugged and went off to her computer. She's a one hit wonder, Tarantula. But get on her bad side and you'll be sure to check your little social accounts still in touch.

"Aye Snake! Cut it out you're gonna actually kill this man" I said as I put an arm around the big figure that swallowed the push pop, Shark. Big guy. Gotta love him.

"Yeah man I'm dying here heh" Shark teased. "Good. Die then" Snake shrugs and is heading upstairs to his room. He's always the one to not back down first, guess he's in a really bad mood today huh.

This man is hard to please, Snake. I have an idea. We don't have anything to do anyways so..

"Hey hey hey look look. We're going to a place you're definitely going to love"



I glared into his sparkling eyes. Not again. Not the smooth-talk-so-that-i-wouldnt-be-stuck-in-my-room talk. I'm NOT going to fall for it this time.

"Yeah? Make it quick" Knowing Wolf he would probably come up with the dumbest ideas. Not that he could persuade me anyways.

He put a hand onto my shoulder. Typical Wolf. If you're dumb you'd actually fall for his lies. But not me oh no no. I'm his lifelong friend and he could never-

"We're going to Las Vegas"

.. I take that back. He's the best friend you could ask for.

He waited for me to answer. I mean, Las Vegas's man, c'mon. We could REALLY strike gold there. "Why Vegas?" I finally asked, even though already knowing the answer. We're definitely would rob the casino, or a bar at least. Or-

"Vacation, y'know.. to relax for a bit" he said with the smug look on his face as he crossed his arms on the back of his head, clearly enjoying the idea of 'relaxing' and 'not stealing stuff so that you could get richer and claim more dignity'. What the fuck is this guy thinking?

"Sure whatever" what's there to lose anyways? Maybe a small haul would call relaxing.

He jolted up almost immediately at my response. "YESS! Yes yes yes!" he exclaims in excitement while punching the air. Jeez what a kid. I gave one last smirk and a shrug - to add that I'm being sarcastic about smirking to him - and went on, while he's still acting like a child running downstairs to the hallway.

I went to twist the knob that leads to my room. Huh. Vacation. What do you even DO on a vacation? Surely it wouldn't be so 'relaxing' if we're gonna rob shit? Or maybe plan a full on heist? Whatever it is, it's got to have something to do with stealing.. right? I came to a halt.

I couldn't help myself to wonder.. why? Why a vacation? Is he.. tired of stealing and robbering and sneaking into banks and houses? There's something missing here.. but what? What is it?

I've never been so untrustful of my partner, ever. But this time.. it feels different. I don't know what.. but my guts are telling me somethings wrong.

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