- Vacation ? [ III ]

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By 5:32 am, Webs has already got her bags ready and now waking up the rest. By 6:30 am, most of them are still in their droopy state. By 7:13 am, Piranha was trying to find his cazuela and hogaza de pan, while Shark is storing all his push pops in a bag until Wolf noticed the orange liquid dripping out of it.

"SHARK! We won't be bringing those in the car. I am not having your sweets dripping all over it, I washed my car for this! Ain't you lookin gorgeous, darlin" Wolf said as he patted his Acura NSX. Shark began to eat the push pops instead, shrugging.

By 9:46, they're finally ready. Except for one.

"Querido casi me olvido! Have anyone seen Snake?" Piranha suddenly asked. Everyone turned their heads to him. "You're right Pepe. Where IS that guy?" Wolf jolted his head up, looking around for the slim figure. Snake is one of the guy who prepares early, second after Webs of course. But he's not here? Now why could that be..

"I think I know where he's at" Shark finally got up, leaving the group behind. "Huh migo I thought you know where Snake could be" Piranha said whilst eyeing Wolf and back to Shark.

"Pft whaat? Of course I know where he's at! I just" Wolf started to rub his face, searching for an excuse. "I just thought maybe. Just maybe. Shark could handle it! You know.. cause they always fight and uhm- yeah! Let them be Snake will tag along in a jiff" he out his hands behind his head and walked to his car "Trust me" he added and gave a final wink before sitting down and blasting his music off.


Well I might be the guy who's Snake's least concern, and least favorite to add. But that doesn't mean I don't know him. He's my buddy, my mate, my friend. Despite him always picking fights with me but hey! That's what friends is. We punch each other, even do the worse things to each other. But we forgive and forget. Like how friends always do.

Now enough of my intro I need to find this son of a bitc-

"What did you just call me?"

I stopped, mostly because of shock. I was looking down before. The carpet is soiled on this part of the warehouse. I moved my head slightly upwards and to my surprise, he's there. Snake. Oh shit shit shit shit, did I really say that out loud.

"Oh heya Snake! Uhh I- I didn't mean-"

"Wolf you bitch of course I've packed my things! Do you think I'm actually that forgetful??"

Oh. He's on the phone. With Wolf. So does that mean he didn't hear me? Did I even said anything out loud?

I cleared my throat as he put down his phone and stared at me. "Fuck you doing here" "Oh uhm. Snake! I was just looking for you!" I said awkwardly. Damn it Shark he probably heard you what you gon do now. Explain it to him? "Sna-"

"Yeah ok" he simply replied and went pass me. Well, it's not really a surprise at this point. He always 'hated' me somehow. Maybe it's because I fought with him for a single push pop, a lot. Man that's childish of me. But he always gets-

Ok Shark you're going of the trails now. You've found him. That's all. Get back and move on. Move. On.


That fucking idiot he's lucky I had my phone out or not I won't be able to pretend I'm on a call. The fuck he said to me "son of a bitch"? Who does he think he is? My friend?

... My friend..? Do I. Do I even have a friend to begin with? Well let's see. I'm cold. Sarcastic. A sociopath. And the list goes on. Does anyone ever even consider me as their friend? I hope not jeez I wouldn't want to be friends with me too if I'm being honest.

But... What the hell was going on back there. Why was Shark saying all those shit about being my friend? Do friends punch each other?? That's what he calls a friend??? He's fucking crazy.

Also why am I overthinking about this. It shouldn't be my concern. Not even the least. I better actually get back or that dumbass will go and come search for me again.

Shark you fucking asshole I'll kill you for this.

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