- Vacation !! [ IV - FIN ]

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Remember when I said I didn't trust Wolf about this 'vacation'. Yeah I still don't trust him. Something wrong. Am I forgetting something? I don't think so. Luggages, packed. Food supply, check. What could possibly be else?

I look around, pacing back and forth in the hallway. Nah there's nothing missing or wrong. Maybe it's just me. I think at least.

I was so so wrong. There was something missing.


Oh ho ho boy. They're all ready. I bet none of them remembers but that's the point! They don't remember, then it's a surprise! See what I did there? I'm a genius, thank you, you're too kind.

Alright back to work baby. I hopped in my Acura NSX (she's pretty ain't she) as they all put their luggages in the back seat. "Hey guys c'monn! We're running out of time here" I said as I tapped my watch (oh don't mean to brag but it's Daytona, customized)

"Well if you don't want to wait then why don't you get back here and help us out, hm? A helping hand wouldn't hurt could it" Snake snapped back. "Whatever we're done anyways, move it, 'Mr Wolf" he added with a hint of sarcasm.

You gotta love him.


"Holy shiiit Wolf! You booked this place?" Shark gasped in awe.

"HERMANO ¡ESTE LUGAR ESTÁ ENFERMO!!!" Pepe said as he goes around the room. "HAHAHA SHARK LOOK LOOK! That looks like my tío, he died tho. OH OH and that looks like my other tío! And that one.."

"Piranha I think these are drawings of other piranhas.."

"Cool. Lots of space. Relaxing" Webs went up to the balcony "If ya need anythin I'll be up here"

"Woah" Snake was the last to come in, "I'll carry the stuff" he said.

"So mi amigos" Wolf stepped outside, spreading his arms wide.
"Welcome to Las Vegas's Mandalay Bay"

They all cheered. Snake let out a sigh of relief "Maybe I was wrong after all" he thought to himself. Everything was all right.

He couldn't be more right about that.


By 5pm, Piranha has already lost 4 rounds of casino and threw all the chips. Now he's cleaning them up (while secretly stealing some and putting it in his back pocket). Shark and Snake was hungover. Too many drinks perhaps. Shark is a lightweight so he already dozed off within a couple of shots. One to be exact.

"Heh Snake I kneeew you can't hic handlee it haha.."

"Fuckin dumbass you took one shot. ONE." Snake hastily replied as he down another shot of tequila.

Webs was on the dance floor, jamming to the music. One of the guys there desided to grab her by the waist and said "You're very gorgeous, mi amor" she then leaned to his ears and whispered, "You might wanna get your hands of me because the second my friends notice you, you'll be praying to get out of here in one peace" the guy quickly retreated his hand and Webs winked.

"Oh I got into your phone system and told your girlfriend - Elena? - about you going to the club and flirting with other girls" he quickly checked his cell and immediately went outside. She let out a laugh and headed to the bar, where Snake was.

"Yo Snake, what the hell happened to him?" She eyed Shark, who was fast asleep.

"This idiot got drunk after one shot" he shook his head. "Seen Wolf?" he glanced around looking for the 6'2 figure, nowhere to be found.

"Dunno" she replied "Oh Snake don't you worry about him he'll be fine. He knows his ways around here" she added to him as she's dragging Piranha from smashing people in the face.

"Yeah Snake.. you don't haveee to wor- hic -ryy about a thing!"

"Shark get back to sleep" Snake shrugged.

And that was when the crowd fell silent. Everyone was focusing to that one tall guy on the stage, he seems to be confused wether the mic was on or not.

"Oh! There we go. Alrighty hello ladies and gentlemen!" the figure said. "Welcome to Mandalay Bay. One of Mexico's finest casino, bar, hotel you name it! Round of applause please."

Clapping sounds coming from the crowd filled the room.

"Call me Mr Wolf. And this evening, I am here to make a very important speech"

"Oh boy it's him" Webs put a hand to her face.

"What.. what the fuck is he doing?" Snake said, clearly in embarrassment. "Oh my god Wolf this is not what I had in mind about 'relaxing'" he thought to himself.

"I just wanted to say thank you"

This time, instead of applauses, there's silent. And whispers. The crowd glanced at each other, not knowing what to make of the situation.

"Thank you. Thank you for staying with me."

"Thank you Webs for helping the team. Without you, most of our work couldn't be done" he nodded to Webs. She replied with a smile, going along with whatever he's doing.

"Thank you Shark for being the master of disguises-"

"Shark wake up he's talking about you migo" Piranha whispered as he slapped Sharks face left and right. "Wh- what? Wha- oh that's Wolf! What's he doing up there?" Shark exclaimed, making the crowds heads turn to him. "Oh sorry uh-"

"There he is. Big guy" Wolf continued. Shark raised his shoulder and mouthed "Thanks?" to him.

"Thank you Piranha for beating all those guys up back there, they were a jerk to me"

"HEH? Oh! That's me! Hola everyone! That's me! That's-"

"Yes Piranha you" Wolf gave out a chuckle.

"And last but not least, in fact the most important one here.."

"Thank you Snake, for being my friend. My partner in crime. You're the best friend someone could have-"

"Wolf what the fuck are you doing? What's all these sappy ass speech?" Snake cut him off. Embarrassment from the compliment much?

"Aw c'mon guys, Snake. Don't you all remember?" Wolf laughed. He whistled. And surely enough, his Acura came smashing right through the window. "Hahahah! How dare all of you forgot about this special day! It's our team anniversary remember?"

Shark immediately got up and scooped all of them into his car after receiving their common code signal from Wolf. He was confused but he still did it anyway.

"Au revoir, Mexico!" Wolf said, giving one last wave until he stepped on the pedal.


"Wolf that was fucking French" Piranha said.

"Wolf you..? Did all this? For us?" Shark said after holding Piranha down.

"I told you guys this was a vacation for us to relax! It's fine I planned this from the beginning so I was relaxing too don't worry about me" he chuckled.

"Heh I was right" Snake said "I felt fishy when you suddenly wanted to go on a vacay. So I did - we did - forgot something afterall"

"Oh jeez Wolf ya didn't have to go through all this just because we.. forgot an important date.. oh well yeah sorry" Webs apologized. "But now we owe you something"

"Nah save that for another time" he replied.

"Thank you" all of them said in reunion.

They all laughed, driving off with a bunch of stolen goods away, till the sun sets.


Vacation !! Fin~

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