- Vacation ? [ II ]

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Sold. Ate. Clean. I knew I can count on him not being the droopy guy he is. We DO need a vacation anyways so this is the perfect time to do it! I winked and waited for his reaction. He would definitely say yes. Definitely.

"Sure whatever."
YES! YES! It's quite unbelievable he actually agreed but hell yeah! As he walks to his room he glanced back at me and said with a hint of sarcasm "They have push pops there right?" Oh ho ho Snake, they have MORE than those at Vega's.

Now, since he had agreed, I had better to tell the rest.

"Heyyy guys, try guessing what we're doing this weekend" I teased. I'm gonna bet they're gonna answer stuffs like..

"A heist? Something that needs to be hacked? Count on me" Webs gave herself a proud pat.

"Armed robbery? Oh no no Wolf I'm too scared of those" Shark mimicked a gun with his arms. "Those are crazy you know what I'm sayin"

"Oh oh! I know what you're thinking, hermano " the small guy at the back got of his chair, went up to me and gazed to the ceiling "All out fist mode. Eh eh?" classic Piranha. Small but no one would ever win a fist fight against him, unless you're me of course.

Yeah.. no. No we're not going to hijack a building system, nor an armed robbery - not that we haven't done that yet but Shark has a little.. ick to it - not even an all-out-fist-mode. No, this time will be different.

"Guys, guys, guys! C'monnn! Isn't it clear? We are going on a vacation" there. Baffled faces in 3. 2. 1.

"Vacation? Dawg are you serious? We are THE bad guys. We don't do v-a-c-a-t-i-o-n-s" Shark let out a chuckle.

"Señor Wolf are you.. right in head? Cause I think you are not amigo you've gone 'cuckoo' you kno" "Yeah what he said" Piranha and Shark kept repeating 'cuckoo' and everytime they do, they'll laugh like there's no tomorrow. And now they're making faces. Shark no what ew why would you do THAT face.

"Yeah Wolf. Besides, Snake wouldnt-"

"He agreed" I briefly answered.

"HE WHAT" all three of them are now leaning towards me, waiting for an explanation. Who wouldn't honestly. That guy is KNOWN for his cold demeanor. Would be surprised if a guy like him agreed to this.

Well 'agree' is a strong word here. He didn't really agreed, yet. But oh that's just how he is.

"It's clear as it can be. He agreed" I can't help but putting on a smirk as I head to my room.

"Wolf! Vacation to where.. exactly?" Shark asked.

"Oh pshh how did I forgot to tell you?" I jumped down from the stairway. "Las Vegas's baby. That's is the place" then the only sound I'm hearing next were not confusions, but sounds of joy.

"WOHOO baby! I knew I can count on you to strike the jackpot. Have you planned anything yet? Ticke-"

"Shark." I cut him off abruptly. Almost felt rude but he NEEDS to understand. "We are not. Robbing. Nada. None." "But-" "Ap ap ap ap" I immediately cut him off again, putting a finger on my lips. "So.. no robbing?" He sounded quite disappointed. Others were too.

"Hey hey" I tried to cheer the mood up. "Listen, I'm the leader of the group here and you all will always trust me right?"

"Well yeah mijo but this is not what we do, we're the bad guys. We don't take vacations" Piranha spread out his arms.

Silence. I don't even know what to say anymore. Cmon someone say something..

"Guys, if Wolf says it's good for us, it WILL be good for us" Tarantula broke off the tension. I gave her a nod as thanks.

"Oh well maybe we DO need a vacation" Shark replied shortly after, cheered up a little "I've always wanted to go to their bars"

"Oh oh!! And I want to wrestle the cartel" Piranha started making swift pinching movements. "I don't think it works that way" Shark said. We all laughed. Alright we're on good terms now.

"Better start packing, this vacation is gonna be one of a ride. A good one. Trust me, we'll NEED this break" I said as I went upstairs, leaving them all to their excitement. I guess they forgot something huh. Shouldn't have.

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