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Theydon five. 'Beautiful, spectacular, Fully lit by the enclosing stars' Well... That's what The Doctor said. The Reality in fact was the opposite.

'Doctor?' Yelled Clara. The long brown hair resting over her shoulders blurring with colour of the long handbag hung on her left shoulder.

On her right arm, a long strap connecting to what looked like an overnight bag. She stood leaning to her right with the weight dragging her down causing her to tilt slightly.

Her hand brushed against the Tardis door. Clara stepped out into the lobby of the hotel. Raising her hand the Tardis door slammed shut with the click of her fingers.

'Hey, Doctor!' She called again to the man, dressed in an all tweed, who stood at the reception desk surrounded by three overnight bags, talking to the young lady behind the desk. He didn't Acknowledge Clara.

She pursed her lips together annoyed and made her way to desk. Extending her index finger she poked The Doctors arm. He carried on talking to the girl behind the desk. Straightening her arms she let the bag fall to her feet with a huff of air escaping her lips. Then with one quick motion she punched The Doctor's arm. Hard.

'Ow' he yelled turning to Clara clutching his elbow.

'What was that for?' He said in a childish moan.

'You weren't paying attention' she said sighing heavily.

'You could try talking, I know it's hard for you-- ' The Doctor stopped half way as he watched the impatient Clara. She took a deep breath and calmed herself down. After all she didn't like being angry at him.

'Why are you flirting anyway?' She asked glancing dismissively at the young woman behind the desk. He grabbed her arm pulling her aside 'Clara! I was not... Flirting' he said just above a whisper rather nervously.

'It looked like it to me' she whispered back her arms crossed avoiding eye contact and sniggering.

'Why would it matter if I was?' He asked clara rather coldly then quickly covered it up saying 'I mean you flirt all the time.' He raised his eyebrows. The small hairs of eyebrows he had anyway...

Clara shook her head biting at her bottom lip in the usual way saying 'No, no.' She paused. 'No. I don't' there was a rustle behind them.

'Here are your keys' the woman said placing the cards on table. 'Key cards? Oh lovely haven't used these in a while, how about you Clar-' the doctor cut off as Clara was picking up all the bags facing away from him.

He sighed tucking the cards into his pocket he came behind Clara and reached around her. His chest resting on her back and her curves on his hip. They paused for a moment as the doctor took the bags from her hands.

Their finger tips touching one another's Clara smiled feeling warm inside. As he crooked his neck to see her face Clara felt the warmth of his breath on her cheek and she grinned and turned her face towards him.

Their lips only centimetres apart they both smiled wide, locking eyes. Clara coughed looking down at his hands that were over hers holding the bags.

There was an awkward moment where The Doctor didn't move but quickly he snapped out of it and grabbed her bags stepping back. Clara blushed hiding her face from him.

'Right, Up we go' The Doctor said pointing at the lift. Clara only holding her shoulder bag walked easily to the lift with the doctor following carrying 3 bags.

'It's broken' Clara said effortlessly waving a hand at it. 'Ah' the doctor began. 'Stairs it is then' he began walking past Clara.

She placed a hand on his chest pushing him back 'Wh- What? Why can't you just... You know...' She whispered 'Sonic it?' She signalled with her head towards the elevator.

The Doctor dropped the bags. 'Can't' he said looking down. 'What do you mean you can't? You fix things all the time with that screwdriver' she said knowing what was coming next.

He waved his hand saying 'No, it's in my other jacket, in the overnight bags. And I... Can't remember which one' he flinched expecting another punch from Clara.

Clara sighed angrily. 'You can't remember? Oh doctor' she picked up one of his bags for him as he picked up the other two 'Stairs it is' Clara said.

Reaching the right level Clara wandered through a set of double doors leading to a long corridor. 'Keys?' She said turning around to the Doctor.

She pulled his jacket out and tucked a hand in his top pocket. Then with a smile handed him his key in exchange for two of the bags. She kept her key and wandered down the corridor looking for the right number.

'Here' The Doctor called. '483a and 483b' he smiled.

Clara smirked 'Our rooms are next to each other?' He nodded with delight 'Yes! Of course' she walked into hers and him to his.

They both appeared outside in the corridor at the same time with mouths wide. Clara's mouth grew into a wide smile and the Doctors into a laugh as he clapped his hand together.

'Brilliant!' He shouted.

'I feel like a queen' Clara responded. 'How did you even get these rooms?' She squealed with delight.

'The Tardis sent us here, then I used the psychic paper. So thinking about it you could be a queen' he shrugged his shoulders grinning.

'Well I'm excited' she laughed walking back into her room.

'You up for dinner at 8?' He called before she closed the doors.

'Yeah! Just knock then' Clara laughed holding the door and showing only her face and her wide smile to the Doctor, then she closed the door with a wink.

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