Chapter 3 - Ariele

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Verida - Avinas

55th day of Banem, year 146, Era of Ke'larri

Ariele lounged with his back against a mossy tree stump, eyelids half-closed towards the sunlight as it filtered through the forest canopy. His long, blonde hair shimmered in the dappled light and glistening strands fanned around his honey-hued shoulders and face. His golden tan was the result of a long autumn spent on the sunny Ithellan isles, from which he had recently returned.

Now home, he often thought longingly after the sound of the sea, the stirring of oars alongside small boats, and the delicate water songs of the river elves. Though Banem was proving unseasonably warm this year, he still bristled at the slight chill in the air after the warmth of Ithella. Yet, while there, he had longed for the lush, vibrant woods of Verida just as much. He sighed and opened his eyes to the trees above.

The air stirred occasionally, rustling leaves and grasses around him. A wisp of light the size of an apple floated by his head, followed by a trail of smaller wisps. Similar lights, known collectively as ina, flew quietly through the trees as far as one could see. Tiny balls of energetic dust left in the wake of powerful magic events - they traveled in groups silently and slowly, from branch to bush to ground and then far away, like ducklings following their mother.

Ariele closed his eyes again and took a deep breath, savoring the rich forest air as it filled his lungs. He could smell hints of lavender and the nutty, wet oak trees whose trunks creaked with every brush of wind against them.

In the distance, he heard the faint tones of the noon bells ringing out over the city and reluctantly dragged himself up from the soft grass. He made his way purposefully down the small dirt path, arriving at the city gates in a matter of minutes. Two guards leaned lazily against the mossy wall at the gate and shuffled slightly to attention at the sight of him.

"Master Ariele, your father has requested your presence in the Small Court chambers immediately," said one of the guards, opening the way for him.

Ariele gave a quick nod before setting off.

In the city, the streets were filling quickly with shop carts and sellers preparing for the afternoon market. The smell of freshly baked bread and fragrant potions wafted through the air and shop owners energetically waved at Ariele as he walked by, a few calling out free goods which he politely declined.

As he rounded the corner near the Avinas Inn, a small toad of a woman, whom he knew to be the owner, Tarina, called out to him from the doorway.

"Prince Ariele! Grace us with a song, won't you?" she croaked, smiling a toothy grin and raising a pint towards him. Several tavern patrons clapped drunkenly in agreement.

"I'm afraid I don't have the time tonight," he called back.

"Ahh, but business is better with you around," she continued, cheeks and nose flushed red. She started towards him with open arms and he quickly ducked around her.

"I'll have to come back later," he chuckled, "once I've seen to my obligations for the day."

He gave a small wink and a bow before continuing on his way.

Eventually, Ariele reached the great marble staircase to the castle and ascended quickly past the patrols and posted guards. At the top, he waited patiently as the ornate silver doors creaked open, revealing the great throne room within. The hall was remarkably empty, save a few chatting council members.

As he approached the Small Court chamber, Ariele heard voices coming from the room and entered to find his father and the others already assembled. His two siblings, Aeliana and Erenil, stood nearest the doorway, and the two Althaen princes, Varydris and Syphaetus, sat on opposite sides of the central table, chatting across the room to each other. Ariele also recognized Tara, High Captain of the Greenwardens, and her trainee Pena, gathered closest to Aelathari. Pena's face was dark and she stood quietly in the corner, away from the others. She glared at Ariele as he stepped into the chamber.

Tales from NiveenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora