Chapter 6 - Adalwa

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*This chapter includes an image of a letter that contains text. Wattpad does not appear to support alt-text options for images, so please reach out to me if you require a text-only version or cannot load the image for any reason.*

Eporo - Itza

57th day of Banem, year 146, Era of Ke'larri

By late morning, Adalwa was shut in her chamber at the Talon's Den, drenched in sweat and perched at her desk, fully consumed by her work. She poured through documents, signed and sealed letters, and frequently checked the old, brass clock above the window. Her hair curled and coiled around the top of her head, a deep walnut color that complimented her smooth, reddish-brown skin. Below her furrowed brow, her cat-like eyes shimmered a vibrant yellow, flecked with oranges and light browns. A drop of sweat gathered at the tip of her nose, shaken only when she was startled by a particularly loud snore from the open balcony.

Between the ornately carved double doors, Poja, a large black panther, napped lazily in the sunlight. His whiskers twitched occasionally, followed by a ripple of movement in his paws and legs. With his deep, rumbling snore, he seemed to wake himself briefly. He lifted his soft, black head, eyes still closed, and listened for the source of the sound before resting on the sandstone floor once again.

Adalwa eventually settled back into her work, and Poja back into his nap, when they were both roused again by a sudden knock against the chamber door. Before Adalwa could call out a response, a scrawny figure entered, heaving for breath and disheveled. She recognized Maumbe and gave a sigh at the sight of him. His curly hair appeared flat on one side, speckled with lint, and deep lines sat across his sharp cheeks, indicating he had only recently woken. She rolled her eyes and continued working.

"Cousin, I bring a message from Uk'Haya," Maumbe panted, approaching the desk.

He stood above her expectantly, but she remained focused on the documents before her. Eventually, he held out a loose scroll that appeared to have been opened. His hand lingered over the desk for some time before he piped up again.

"It is very urgent!" he added.

She raised her eyebrows and looked at him.

"Why is it not sealed?" she asked.

"Ah... well, you see-" Maumbe started.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to-"

"I didn't!"

"Why must you always lie? Did your time with Ivasa teach you nothing?" Adalwa growled.

"Ivasa is out of her mind! She doesn't respect who I am!" Maumbe said.

"How can she, when who you are is not respectable? You and Kadir both tramp around like circus fools," Adalwa retorted, snatching the scroll.

The side of the parchment was stamped with Anelahi's green fern seal and dusted with a golden powder. Inside, Adalwa recognized her sister's fine handwriting, lined up neatly on the page.

 Inside, Adalwa recognized her sister's fine handwriting, lined up neatly on the page

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