Chapter 11 - Pena

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Verida - Avinas

62nd day of Banem, year 146, Era of Ke'larri

I walk until my muscles ache. Until I find the shed. Tara's condolences are long gone, but still echo in my ears. Door ajar. I stumble in, puff up clouds of dirt as my legs give out. Knees hit the ground and I claw at soil and hay, swallowing silent sobs until they rip at my throat. Force themselves out.

They start in my gut and roar out. I scream and scream until I am hoarse. Until no other sound comes. Hands shaking. Palms throbbing and I realize I've beaten them bloody. I pull myself into a pile of hay. Curled into a tight ball and heaving. Coughing. Gagging.

I'll kill every last one.

The room swirls around me and blurs - I can barely see through hot, streaming tears. I try to imagine that he is here. Soft hands on my back, smoothing the wrinkles of my shirt. Then another thought intrudes. The sight of his body. Bulging glassy eyes. Gaping mouth. Crooked jaw. Charred and tangled in burnt bits of rope.

My stomach contracts and I vomit. Corners of the room squeeze around me and darken. Then I am gone.



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