Chapter 7 - Kadir

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Eporo - Itza

57th day of Banem, year 146, Era of Ke'larri

"Have you ever wished for strength or courage? For dashing good looks and luck in love? Have you ever wished to stave off illness or even death itself?" A voice called out dramatically over the crowded square.

A few curious market-goers glanced in the direction of the sound, but most continued at their various stalls and carts as they had before. However, at a sudden crack of sound, the crowd turned its attention to a covered blue cart, painted in gaudy gold and red designs. Over the top of the cart sat a large, golden cone that sparked to life, filling the square with lively music.

"Look no further!" The voice called again, "your wishes have been answered!"

At that, a young man leapt out from behind the cart in a dazzling blue and gold ensemble. His short, brown hair sat in glossy waves at the top of his head and a golden septum ring, set with turquoise stones, shone brilliantly in the sunlight. He waved towards the cart and two curtains quickly parted to reveal a multitude of colorful potions and baubles stacked neatly in rows. With another flourish, glowing blue energy burst from his fingertips and rained down over the cart, much to the amusement of the already excited crowd. The magic then parted to reveal a ridiculously decorated, slightly tattered sign that read: KADIR'S KURIOSITIES.

"You ma'am!" Kadir called, gesturing to a woman nearby, "did you know you smell awful?!"

The woman gave an offended huff as the crowd slowly made space around her. She scowled and quickly sniffed her clothes.

"Not to worry, not to worry my dear. I've got just the thing for it!" He said, plucking a bottle of glowing pink liquid from the front counter of the cart.

He swirled it around as he walked towards her. Once he was near, he uncorked the bottle and tossed the contents at her. Many in the crowd gasped in unison. As the liquid left the bottle, it turned to a soft pink haze, perfuming the woman and those around her with delightful scents of lavender and rose. The crowd burst into enthusiastic applause and Kadir crossed back to his cart, grabbing another vial of liquid - this one filled with a viscous, slow moving yellow potion. As he swirled it, the potion turned crimson and began to spark within the bottle.

"This elixir has the power to bring you closer to the one you desire," he said seductively, raising his eyebrows towards the captive audience.

He raced to pick up another vial, this one much larger and filled with a fizzing green potion.

"This gives one the power of invisibility!" he called excitedly, "and all of these fine, handcrafted potions can be yours for the most reasonable prices found in Niveen!"

He gave a final flourish of his hands where blue and gold sparks once again began to emanate. The crowd cheered and many began to swarm with fists of copper and silver at the ready.

"Yiba!" Kadir called and, with a wave of his fingers, a small blue monkey dressed in a cropped shirt and golden patchwork pants shot from the sparks and landed on the edge of the cart. His glowing fur was nearly transparent and his image seemed, almost imperceptibly, to glow in and out of focus with Kadir's attention.

They both began to scramble around, grabbing potions and exchanging coin with eager customers. Kadir felt giddy with relief as he excitedly collected silver and copper pieces, dropping them one by one into a large metal pot in the back of the cart. He had not expected such a reception and surely did not anticipate selling his wares so quickly.

Very lucky, he thought, eyeing two cloaked figures that had gathered for the spectacle. He recognized their fine gray robes and gave a gesture toward the crowd around him. Surely, they would respect him now.

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