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     I believe that death is an awakening or at least it should be. Maybe if I wrapped my fingers around Alex's neck and killed him, our problems would be solved.

The servants woke me up at the crack of dawn, placing a quite revealing red dress on the bed. Prepped for me, waiting for me. They dressed me in fine clothing, spun my hair into waves but tried to hide the hint of blue, and then came the engagement ring. Sending chills up my spine as I thought about it. A golden band with a huge red diamond. My breathing stuttered, tonight was going to be hell.

My heels snapped against the floor as my guards walked me over to the castle's dinner hall, I've never ate here before. The Queen always dismissed me when I wasn't needed. However, I never wanted to be apart of that- because I knew it would be a room full of Vampires and I was the only human. Now it was different, considering now I was dead. Banquets and balls weren't my thing, I wasn't a party kid of person and if I was. Vampiric political dinners would be added to that list, because talking about the problems against our people and the distance of the Keepers have shaken court.

The Keepers haven't step foot in Romania since they murdered the Queen, Alex banished them for good. That's been the only thing he's done since coming in hand to the throne. Alex would be a good thing if he didn't let his fear of magic and his obsession with me guide his mind.

The doors opened and everyone sitting at the table rose, turning their gazes to me as I looked across the room. Alex stayed seated, glaring daggers into my chest. His hatred perused in every inch of his body, an announcer called me out. I hated that damned title- but Holstein tried to hold back his laughter. "Duchess of Night, the Judas Witch. Delia Petri." They called out to court, the eyes against my skin sizzled in a way I couldn't control. A roaring chill followed up my spine as I watched Alex.

Alex was as controlled and mannered as he could be, but his expression decayed. He looked as ghostly as Natalia had. The bags under his eyes, the veins in his face were darkened and bruised. His red eyes glowed in the night against the bright yellow of his hair. He wore every elaborate piece of clothing he had, showing off his jewels. He looked like the very existence of power, his body pursed the aura. He tried to pretend like he was the very beginning of power, sitting in that chair as he watched me. His expression toyed with me, but in the moments of his anger I saw a glimmer of doubt.

What poor mad Alex didn't know was that power wasn't about the jewels or the look. It was about control and Alex didn't seem to know a single thing about that.

I moved around the room as the seat next to the King was drawn for me, I pulled down the skirt of my red dress and sat myself at the table. Holstein seated across from me as his hands flexed around the wood of his chair. A scent filled my nose as I looked to the glasses on the wood. Filled with a mixture of mortal blood and wine, I coiled my fingers together as took a deep breath. Control. I told myself, Kazimir's face coming to mind as I attempted to center myself.

Dinner began as conversation centered in the room, I had to watch the movements in my hands. Eat from the right fork and act as regal as I could. Which was hard because of the passive aggressive comments thrown around the room tried to unnerve me. "How we're you witches in Scotland, Duchess Petri?" An Ambassador asked me, I looked around the room as Xiu and I made eye contact. I haven't had to deal with an Ambassador since Teodorescu, Xiu always questioned me but it always seemed more like a test. Xiu was more like Holstein, he sought out the best answer in every situation. That including the future Queen of Night Court.

I forced a smile as I leaned my head closer to catch a glimpse of him, "They're fine, we were able to construct a sort of schooling so they could learn to advance their abilities." I told him with a nod, Xiu seemed pleased with my words while the others pulled back grotesque. Murmurs filled the quiet of the dining hall, servants switched out different plates as I felt myself losing my stomach. Alex had been doing it on purpose, meticulously placing blood around me in attempt to drive me mad or somehow contempt. I flexed my jaw as I maintain my composure for the most part.

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