A Simple Mission

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A/N: Okay another one of my crappy stories that no one reads but me! This is my first shot at writing in 1st person, I prefer 3rd person but I thought I should step out of my comfort zone.

I woke up amongst dead orcs, they had been all killed by someone with skilled training; all had died quick deaths, some had slashes to the throat, some wounds to the head. I could hardly see anything, but the ground shined in the moon light. Black blood covered the ground where I laid. 'What happened? Where am I? Who am I?' I couldn't remember anything. I fumbled to my feet, I looked around there was a light not to far away. It was bright, to bright! Why did I hate light? I felt my ear, it was pointed..... So I'm an elf? So why do I hate the light, if I am a creature of light. I saw a satchel, I took it of corse seeing that it looked the slightest familiar. Maybe in time everything will come back to me. I started to run away from the dead foul creatures, and the light that disappeared.

"Stop where you are, or I'll have them shoot." A voice called. I stopped running and turned to see who it was. There was six elves bows drawn back to there cheeks, all aimed at me? I stared in disbelief.

"And who are you to shoot someone who you don't know? Or do you just go around aiming bows at innocent people?" I shouted, not knowing why I would say something like that; and the word innocent felt so foreign on my tongue.

"Fiery spirt we have here. By the kings orders I take you as a prisoner." He marched towards me, I didn't move I wasn't afraid of this elf. Inside of me I felt if he attacked me I could defend myself. He came and grabbed my arms and pulled them behind me and tied them, really tight. I glared at him, then he began to shove me forwards. I was defiant at first, but I did not have enough strength to defy him very long. He continued to harshly push me forwards.

"I can walk on my own two feet! I do not need you to push me!" I growled and looked over my shoulder and glared icily at him. I noticed he has fiery red hair, with blonde-ish highlights. He looked kind I guess?

He chuckled. "The king will deal with you." He shoved me in the shoulder, it hurt so bad! I fell down, and screamed. What had he done to make me do that? I looked up at him, he looked scared for a moment.

"What's wrong with you?" He questioned trying to pulled me up to my feet by the same shoulder. I scram again! What was he going? I looked up at him again, this time my vision became blurry and I couldn't see anything hardly. White pain flushed through my body, I couldn't take this pain! What was wrong I don't remember getting stabbed or shot? Then everything went black.

I started to come back into consciousness. I felt warm, and cozy, I moved my arm and I felt crisp sheets underneath me. I opened my eyes, I was in a healing ward? I sat up, my arm still ached like no tomorrow; and I had the worst headache possible. I glanced around the room, no one was around. I sighed in content.

"Ah, peace and quiet." I laid my head against the head bored and closed my eyes. This was nice! I thought, then the door opened I looked at the new comer. She was dressed in a simple cream dress, and he black hair laid amongst her shoulders.

"Your awake, that's good sigh!" She smiled at me, I just looked at her.

"Where am I? What happened to my arm? I demand you to tell me!" I shouted at the healer, I didn't mean to make her scared.

She looked at me with a disbelieving look. "Your in Mirkwood; and you were shot by an arrow. It penetrated all the way though your arm, you lost a lot of blood, and the force of the arrow knocked your shoulder out of place." She smiled and walked over to me with bandages. I shifted away from her.

"I don't bit, I promise!" She smiled and I began to trust her, I let her tend to my wound; and when she finished she spoke again. "Your all patched up, you best get dressed. The King wishes to see you." She walked over to one of the large cabinets and pulled out my clothes from earlier.

"Here you go, I had them washed and mended!" She smiled cheerfully. "If you need any help I'll be right outside the door!" She left the clothes on the edge of my bed, then shuffled out of the room.

I forced myself to sit on the edge of the bed. I slipped out of the bed gowned, and quickly put on my cloths. I stood up, and walked to the door. I opened it and the same healer was standing outside.

"Okay, your ready-" she was cut off by the same guard that took me here, I glared at him he was the last person I wished to see.

"Follow me, King Thranduil wishes to see you." He said coldly, and turned on his heel and walked away. I heaved a heavy sigh and followed him. He made me walk in front of him, I glared at him and started to walk. He gripped my opposite shoulder and began to lead me to the throne room.

"I'm not an animal, I can take directions!" I growled at the guard. But he just ignored me.

A/N: I dont know why I even continue writing on here if I don't even know if any of you are reading?

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