Dress To Impress

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I didn't sleep well that night, I continuously woke up. So I stayed up half the night. Suddenly I heard a knock on the door. My mind went reeling in panic so I threw the blankets off me. Then, realizing that I was safe, I walked to the door. I twisted the gold doorknob slowly as if it were stiff with age.

"Good Morning!" A blonde headed elleth said with a cheerful smile. I hadn't even noticed that it was morning. "The king wishes for you to join him in the royal dining room for breakfast! I brought some clothes!" She smiled holding up half a million breath taking dresses.

"Huh...." I blinked in amusement and confusion. "I don't wear dresses....?" I said hesitantly, attempting to close the door. But she didn't even listen and slipped in easily with her small frame.

"The King says no excuses, you need breakfast!" She smiled kindly and laid the dresses on the bed. "I think gold or orange is your color! It would bring out your blue eyes!" She grinned holding up a gold dress with white embroidery.

I sighed. "Do you have anything black....?" I asked looking up at her with annoyance.

"....black?" She looked a little confused and upset. "Um... I have this one, but I don't think black if your color? I seriously advise you to wear the gold one!" She smiled her green eyes sparkling as she held up the gold dress.

I folded my arms around my chest in contemplation. "If I have to eat with the king, I want to wear something that I'd like to wear." I said with accusing glare.

Her smile turned into a small frown and she quickly searched all her dresses. At least she was considerate! Quickly, she pulled out a velvet black gown that had white straps around the waste and arms. At the front of the gown the top layer was parted to reveal a second layer of deep crimson red.

"If you're to wear black, wear this one. So you don't look like your at a funeral." She smiled kindly at me again.

I sighed. "I'm already at my own funeral, so it wouldn't matter." I resignedly took the dress and quickly changed into it. Then I walked out from behind the curtain and gracefully walked over to her.

"Okay now I'll do your hair!" She said excitedly and reached for my silver hair. I swatted her away.

"I'll put it in warrior braids....!" I glared at her and began to braid my silver moon lit hair.

I started to walk slowly to the door, but it opened before I could reach it.

"Ah good your ready." The same red headed elf from last time said to me. I looked at him with an annoyed glance.

"Ever heard of knocking?" I snarled and pushed ruffly past him. I looked around hall for a second. "Um..... How do I get to the royal dining room.....?" I asked and shrunk in on myself. I just realized that I had not paid any attention to the twists and turns of the halls. I did not know how to get there. He smiled knowingly down at me, he was almost a head taller then me.

"Follow me." He smiled and lead me to the dining room. We walked for some time, I could hear my boots scuffing the floor.

"This cursed dress!" I growled hitching up my dress, he looked over his broad shoulder and smiled, beginning to laugh.

"If you we're wearing a dress you'd understand!" I glared at the back of his auburn head. He didn't answer, I rolled my eyes and tried to keep up with him. He walked way to fast.

"Here we are, enjoy your meal." He said bowing mockingly as I had done before. I sighed, rolling my eyes in annoyance then opened the large oak doors and strode confidently to the table. I sat myself elegantly down a few seats opposite from Thranduil. I held my head high, and practically ignored Thranduil's presence.

"Good morning, how did you sleep?" Thranduil asked nicely for once, a confidant smile in his face.

I huffed indignantly and looked at him. "I would have slept better in a troll cave." I snarled angrily at him. But he just laughed with mirth.

"You act as if you hate it here; and all my kin. But I know you have a golden heart underneath this act of yours." He said smiling as he dished himself fruit. I rolled my eyes in disgust at the comment.

"You would do you well to act as well as you look!" He said not looking up to me with demeaning eyes.

"And what is that supposed to mean!" I said slamming my hand on the table my blue eyes lined with fire.

He looked up causally at me. "Your appearance is polite, sweet, and well; nice. But you act the total opposite, you are beautiful, and that's how I saw your personality at first, but I guess I don't have a good judge of character as I thought." He laughed and began to eat. I took a deep annoyed breath, and began to serve myself some fruit and bread. The doors swung open, and Legolas paraded in with a smile.

"Sorry I'm late, I was held up!" He said and sat beside me, dishing himself a large plate of food. I sighed 'this is going to be a long breakfast' I thought to myself while pinching the bridge of my nose in frustration.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chappy!!!! I hope you continue reading my stuff toooooo! Ily!

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