Another Meeting With The King

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I opened my eyes blearily, hearing the iron door of my cell creak open.

"Get up." A low voice called. I pretended to not hear him. "Get up!" The voice shouted again, this time I heard two sets of foot steps coming towards me. I looked over my shoulder, then I swiftly stood up before they could reach me and do something rash. I looked at the red haired guard that just seemed to show up every time anyone talked to me.

"Your room is ready, come along." The red headed elf called evenly to me. I began to walk nimbly forwards. One of the guards reached to grabbed me by my arm. I swiftly blocked his arm and checked him in the side. I don't know why I did it. It just felt natural. Almost on instinct. He stumbled roughly and fell over. I huffed in triumph!

"I can walk on my own!" I glared at the guard as he regained his footing, I triumphantly strode out of the cell and looked pointedly at the auburn haired elf.

He smiled knowingly at me then gently pushed me forward, I began to walk as he came up behind me. "Not going to treat me like a cow today are we?" I asked bluntly with a small smile playing at my lips.

"The King has asked us to treat you like a guest....?" He sighed. "But... In order for you to stay, he must know your name?" I cut him off sharply.

"If I knew my name.... I would tell him." I sighed in embarrassment and fury.

He grunted in response. "Don't worry, it will come to you in time." He laid his hand on my shoulder for reassurance. I smiled up at him.

We walked up vast stairs, and through the great halls of the Woodlen King. It was beautiful, breath taking, beyond words, I was beyond words. We came to the doors to the throne room and stood silently in front of the door for a few minutes.

Then the door gracefully swung open as if they opened on their own, these wood elves are so quiet and fleet footed. We walked confidently in and six guards came up beside us again, but this time I was not shoved to my knees. I was beginning to like this place a lot more.

"Remember anything yet?" Thranduil called casually down to me.

"If I did I would have told you." I said ruffly, glaring at him, "My lord." I bowed mockingly.

He laughed, and shook his head. "You have quit the persona." He continued to laugh. I looked at him seriously.

"I wouldn't have to have such a persona, if you didn't have such a mouth." I said straightening, my face staying emotionless.

Thranduil chuckled, almost as if containing his rage. "You have quite the nerve to talk to me like this?" He said still smiling sweetly.

"Someone has to." I replied bluntly, moving a strand of brown hair out of my face. He laughed again.

"You can be quit the entertainment!" He smiled then shifted in his throne.

I glared at him for the millionth time, my eyes so determined it seemed as if they could see through stone. "Oh I'm not even trying!" I growled dangerously. In my head I wanted to thrash out at him and his guards to prove a point.

He waved his hand casually at my usual guard and a blonde one, that almost looked related to the king. They lead me back to my room but did not lock the door this time.

"Wait! Guards!" I called expectantly and the blonde one opened the door.

"Yes, what is it?" He asked nicely but with a hint of annoyance.

"What happened to locking my door?" I placed my hand on my hip and glared at the blonde elf.

He sighed resignedly. "My father said that he trusts you." I cut him off before he could say anything else.

"Do you believe him?" I asked questionably, still glaring at him.

"I dont know yet." He said with a exasperated sigh.

"Your his son, am I correct?" I inquired, schooling my face into an impassive mask. I did not let him read my thoughts, my eyes were like stone.

"Yes, he's my father. I am Prince Legolas, his son. But I must go." He smiled and quickly closed the door with a snap. I sighed and sat down on my bed, questions filled my mind like every other time of the day.

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