To Meet My Judgement

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A/N: Okay I hope you guys enjoy this next chapter! It's so weird to write in 1st person.......

We walked on for a good 10 minutes of silence, all you could really hear was the sound of my boots scuffing on the floor. I really don't under stand why he continues to push me, I'm walking aren't I?! Am I not walking fast enough?

He pulled me to a stop like I was an animal. "I'm not an animal for the millionth time! How many times do I have to say that before I can get it through your thick scull! I have ears and I good understanding! Tell me to walk, I'll walk! Tell me to stop I'll stop! Stop treating me like cattle!" I shouted angrily at him, but he just smirked. I wanted to slap him so bad, but I restrained myself.

We stood in front of these two large oak doors, they were large and beautiful! With deep elegant carvings of numerous things, there were birds, flowers, trees, it was beyond beautiful. All the carvings were delicately arranged in numerous patterns, always starting the same way but never ending the same way. I must have looked at it for sometime, cause the doors opened and it scared me half to death.

My "guard" pushed me roughly in, I grunted then hastily regained my footing. Six other guards came up beside me, and walked briskly up the bridge type thing, to the throne. When we reached the throne was forced to my knees.

I glared death at the two guards that held me to the ground. I looked up to see King Thranduil sitting on his large wooden throne. I'd say it was about 20 feet in the air on top of a precipice of rock with a slim railless stair case that wound elegantly up to the throne. The throne was made out of numerous beautiful pieces of wood and some that almost looked like the horns of an elk, or deer that entwined perfectly together and looked naturally grown.

"What were you doing in my forest?" His deep voiced called expectantly to me. I looked up to him, and scowled in deep thought.

"I-I-I can't remember.....?" I said trying to keep my head high and look undaunted.

"You wear the garb of a Mirkwood guard, but you are not familiar to any of my kin; why?" He just had to ask all the questions I didn't know the answer to.

"I honestly don't know...?" I said again more firmly this time.

The king scoffed. "Then tell me this, if its simple enough for you. What. Is. Your. Name?" He asked with a smug knowing smile.

I dropped my gaze to the ground. Then I spoke again. "I don't know! I can't remember anything! I don't know what happened, or where I came from! Or what I am! Are you happy!" I yelled in frustration and began to lunge grudgingly at the king, but the two guards holding me kept me still.

The king stood and looked thoughtfully down on me. "Hmm... Take her to her room." He walked gracefully down the steps and walked to the same guard who has been "taking care of me" and he whispered to him.

"If she remembers anything, report to me right away." He said and the guard nodded. The king walked over to me again and looked down on me.

"You will reside here till you came give me information. You are not well, so you will be staying in a room. But don't be fooled, you will be under 24 hour watch! Do you hear me?" He stood right in front of me, and was leaning down to talk to me.

"I'm not death, so yes I can hear you! Also you have no right to treat me like cattle! I can walk, talk, listen on my own account!" The King stopped me.

"It's my kingdom, and it's under my rule. You are just a prisoner, but you are well built. So maybe you will be more then just a prisoner. I could use more people in my guard?" He questioned, trying to be nice I guess.

"And why would I work for someone like you!" I spat, I guess I am a spit fire..... I'm learning new stuff about myself every minute.

The King just chuckled and waved his hand at the guards. They began to pull me backwards, I instantly -perhaps on instinct- began to thrash around. But they had iron grips. They brought me to my new chamber. They closed the door and locked it behind them.

"You can't keep me locked up in here!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, but all I heard was laughter, which quickly faded. I sank down the door, and looked around. I saw the satchel from earlier, it was sitting on the bed. I picked it up slowly, gazed at it for a second then tossed it over to the wardrobe, it slid underneath it. I curled up in the bed.

"Why did he have to make me feel like an incompetent child? Why did he have to look down on me, like I was nothing? I don't know who I am, or what I've done! I don't know if I have family! I just don't know!" I tried to hold back my tears, but it was to hard! I let them pour down my cheeks!

A/N: If you liked this please comment! Or vote! Thank you!

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