The Most Unlikely Of Friends

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A/N: Hmmmmmm.... Soon now we will pick up the climax..... I promise. Just bare with me guys.


"I am nothing but a farmer from one of the out lining villages of Mirkwood. My mother was in the guard a long time ago before she died. I was out on a hunting trip with two of my friends, I was wearing my mothers guard uniform to help me blend in with the trees so that I could not been seen by any creature. We we're spotted by a Orc party, I was the most skilled in fighting then my other friends. So I went out to distract and fight off the orcs while they ran for help." I lied causally as Thranduil looked down on me from his throne. I looked to Arinvin for support, he just nodded and smiled at me. I quickly looked back to Thranduil and held his gaze indefinitely. Then I let my gaze drop to the floor in deep thought. "I was struck in the back of my head with the hilt of their sword, then fell and hit my head again on a rock. That is why I couldn't remember anything..." I finished lamely, at least the last part was true. I looked back to Thranduil. "And how did you come to remember this?" He said, crossing his legs and tapping his long elegant fingers on the arm of his throne. "Uh.. It all came to me in a dream I guess? I woke up with a monstrous head ache, and then all my memories flooded back in." I said causally bitting my lip as my wrist began to hurt again. "Hmm..." Thranduil stood and gracefully walked down the multiple steps from his throne and stood delicately in front of me. I looked up to meet his gaze, he was almost two heads taller then I. "How can you explain this?" He grabbed my wrist and held it in front of my face. I gasped in pain as he gripped it with so much force. "I-I got it when I was sparing the other day!" I growled through clenched teeth. Thranduil rose a quizzical eyebrow and nodded. He clearly didn't believe me, he knew it wasn't true. The king dropped my hand and beckoned the guards to take me away.
Arivin smiled and strode over to me, he proceeded to walk behind me out of the throne room. Why was he so happy? We got to my room, and before I could open my door he stopped me gently laying a hand on mine."Wait!" He said calmly. "It's snowing, would you like to go outside?" He smiled endearingly, obviously really hoping I'd say yes.
I finally looked up at him and smiled as well. "I would love to!" I closed my door tightly. Looks like I had more friends than I thought I did

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