A Name For A Name

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A/N: Man.... I suck at chapter titles guys...... Like seriously...... Here is the next part! hope you enjoy!

I slowly began to wake. My head hurt fiercely. My world turned rapidly like a spinning top. I groaned loudly, slowly pulling myself off the floor. My head ache was still there; but not as bad as earlier. I felt light headed and sick. I swallowed hard and bit my lip. My gaze unwillingly traveled to the note that laid delicately on the floor where I had dropped it, two feet away from me.
I sluggishly bent over as if i was being weighed down my bricks and picked it up. I then slowly turned, my head still spinning and I grabbed the satchel that I pulled out from under the wardrobe in such a hurry. I shoved the note inside the leather, weather worn satchel. "Where can I hide this?" I whispered fiercely, determining to myself. I reached inside the bag pulling out one of the throwing knifes. I moved my bed just slightly over. The scratching of the bed moving as wood scraped against wood hurt my head. I bent down and began to force up one of the floor boards. I successfully pulled one of the smooth well made floor boards up with a creak. I winced at the sound but quickly shoved the knife back in the satchel and pushed it down into the floor. I smashed the board back down with my fist with such force that I pulled back in pain. I then stood quickly up holding my wrist to my chest. "That was not the best idea to use my fist to pound it down!" I hissed in pain as my fist began to swell purple and blue. I painstakingly pushed my bed back into place. Right after that I heard loud inviting knock —but at this time in my life it felt slightly demeaning— I quickly crawled under the blankets. "Enter!" I said swiftly pushing my wrist under the thick warm blankets to hide my swelling wrist. The blonde elleth from yesterday entered. "The king wishes to see you." She paused and entered the room with new clothes. "I brought you new clothes..." She said holding up a deep green leafed patterned warrior dress. She also had a leather jerkin, some kind of fur layover and green tights. I smiled weakly at her enthusiastic resolve and slowly got out of bed.I then gracefully walked to her. "Thank you, you may leave." I said picking up the clothes and gesturing to the door. She quickly and kindly exited the room with a smile. I shrugged and changed into the clothes as quickly as I could. They were comfortable enough. Then I went to put my boots on. I suddenly heard another knock on the door and I sighed irritably. "Enter!" I said a bit more harshly than last time. The auburn haired elf from every other day and Legolas swiftly entered my room, each scattering to different parts of the room. "And what do you think your doing?" I sneered standing to my feet and crossing my arms across my chest to hide my wrist. "Room check." The auburn haired elf said bluntly and continued to search my wardrobe, flipping through dressed that I hadn't even worn yet."I don't have anything. I haven't had time to steal anything. There's no point in searching my room. Leave!" I growled lowly, trying to stay calm and collected. "Kings orders." Legolas shot back as he passed me. He then he bent down and searched under my bed. My heart was about to pound out of my chest. The note was under there! "Why do you look so scared, it's not like there's a body under there!" The red haired elf said teasingly with a bright smile. His intentions were obviously kind and he certainly didn't think I'd stolen anything. "You're hilarious." I said sarcastically in a mocking tone. "The king wished to see me?" I reminded in a harsh tone. Both elves exchanged glances. "Your rooms clean, and we should go. Come!" Legolas said pulling me by one arm. I harshly brushed him off and continued to walk on my own. This emitted a chuckle from both elves. I stared back at the red haired elf and bit my lip in thought. "You remember you said, 'if I told you my name; you'd tell me yours'?" I asked looking nervously up to him. He looked down at me and nodded. "Yes, I remember." He said causally and looked straight ahead. "My name.... I remember it, it's Koranith." I said softly, looking at my feet.

He glanced down at me with a gentle smile and well meaning smile. "It's a nice name. Mines Arivin" he continued to smile down at me till I made eye contact. I finally looked up at him. "I like that name." I smiled up and then back to the ground. We continued walking in complete comfortable silence. I could almost sense Legolas grinning like a cat

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