A Stranger To All

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A/N: What was that? 4 parts in one day? C'mon guys!!!! I am doing my part! so reaaaad my story! I'm kidding. Love Y'all!!!

We sat on a long elegant tree branch that extended far over the path. I swung my feet slowly beneath me, shifting myself into a more comfortable position. My new friend and I sat in comfortable silenced for quit some time, just enjoying each others presents. I sighed in content, something about cold snow made me feel alive. I had finally found a friend, a friend who wouldn't judge.

Suddenly we heard loud yells and shouts and both both our heads looked frantically around to find out what was happening. I leaped elegantly from the tree branch and landed nimbly on my feet, followed by Arivin. I looked over to wear the great entrance of the palace was, six guards were dragging in a blacked haired elf dressed in blue. He was screaming and shouting curses, fighting their grip. Who was that?
We both exchanged concerned and confused looks and ran swiftly over the crisp cold snow. When we caught up to the guards we discreetly followed them quickly into the throne room. I wonder if this is how it was when I was taken in? Thranduil sat elegantly on his throne legs crossed and he tapped his scepter impatiently. An air of pure power surrounded him. I caught with no small wonder at how he looked down so superiorly at the other elf. 'Is this what it looked like between me and him in our meetings?' I thought quizzically to myself. "Why were you wondering in my land without leave?" Thranduil called down to the dark haired elf, who looked up smiling slowly. "I've brought valuable information to you my Lord." The darked haired elf's eyes lit up dangerously and I tensed gripping a handful of my tunic. Thranduil seemed to ponder on this for a second but then slowly nodded for him to continue. "There is a assassin coming to Mirkwood and is planing to kill your son my Lord. I bring this information with great danger to myself." He smiled as the whole room filled with murmurs and small gasps of fear. Thranduil stood up slowly, the powerful air he held now being intensified as he took on a look of suspicion. "And how do you know this?" Thranduil asked in a scarily even tone. The elf just smirked knowingly and gave a barely noticeable glance towards the back of the room. "Men in taverns have slippery tongues my Lord." He said still smirking dangerously. "Yet you were brought here in chains, my men do not arrest people for nothing. What did you do to release their wrath." The king asked o-matter-o-factly. This elf was suspicious. Who would be smirking this much when their was a life threatening assassin after his son. Unless he wanted his son dead. The kings face hardened and he scowled. "Double the guards on the borders. Nothing moves yet I hear of it!" Thranduil said casually to his guards, stepping down gracefully from his throne. The dark haired elf watched him reach the lower platform impatiently. "My Lord, it was quite dangerous for me to give you this news. If someone found out..essshhh." He said with a unsettlingly smile, obviously trying to hint at something. Thranduil let out something like a dangerous growel and nodded to one of his Advisors. The tall silver robed elf casually threw the dark haired elf a small bag of gold coins. The dark elf's golden eyes light up joyously as he counted the coins smirking at how much money he had made.

Thranduil glanced at one of his guards and whispered very quietly. "I don't trust him. Keep an eye on him." The guard nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2015 ⏰

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