Ch 3: Three Chaperones and a Cougar

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Kota's POV


I am dreading today. It's 8 am and I'm still trying to convince Nathan and Victor to go with me to the speed dating thing this afternoon. My mom, Erica, is trying to get back into dating, but she says she's out of practice. So she decides a good way to jump back into the game is to try speed dating. I'm all for my mom dating again, but it scares me at the same time. I don't know who these guys are. They could be creepers, stalkers, axe murderers or Norman Bates wannabes. I told her I would go with her to check all the guys out and make sure no one messes with her. She laughed and said she could take care of herself, but said I should still go to meet a 'young lady' for myself.

I pick up my cell and see there's a text from Victor

Victor: My parents are being nightmares again. I'll go with you to that speed dating thing just to be out of here. See you in 20!

Kota: Sorry about your parents, but I'm glad your coming.

One down, one to go. I've tried convincing Nathan to come with me for the past three days and he is hearing none of it. I'll try one last time. If he doesn't join us at least I will have Victor. I hit his number on my cell phone and he picks up on the third ring.

"Kota, I am not going with you!!"

"How did you know I was calling about that?"

"Because you've been asking me the same thing everyday for the past three days!"

"Nathan it's just a couple hours. You talk to some people and it'll be over before you know it. It's not like you actually have to go out on a date with anyone and there's going to be food."

"Food? Free food?"

"Yes, free food and drinks."

"Okay, I'll go."

"Wait, what? That's it? You just needed to hear there was free food to agree to go with me?"

"Yeah, why didn't you tell me that the first time you asked me to go."

"I don't know Nathan, I'm an idiot! Just be ready to go in a couple hours we have to be there at noon."


We pull up to the Hilton where the speed dating event is being held in one of their ballrooms. The valet opens the passenger side door and helps my mom out of the car. I hand over the keys and the four of us head inside.

My mom is as giddy as a schoolgirl as she makes her way over to the check-in table. I pay the registration fee for all four of us and we each put on a name tag. As we enter the small ballroom I see two rows of small tables with chairs on either side. To the left of the chairs is a bar and lounge area that I'm assuming will be used for the mixer after the round of speed dating.

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