Ch 11: The Dating Game

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Last night was a blast. I apologized for being mean on our date to North after he kissed me and he apologized too and asked me out for next week. I accepted and promised I would be on my best behavior!

I'm sitting at the kitchen counter eating my breakfast when something else hits me.

"Hey Karen?"


"You know what I just realized?"


"Gabe never gave me his underwear last night!"

We both double over with laughter, then I start choking on my breakfast that I'm trying to finish. Karen starts slapping me on the back--like that's going to help!

"Sang! You can't die until you've gone on a date with someone you met online!"

"Relax, Karen. I'm not dying, although those slaps to my back almost did me in. Anyways, how exactly am I going to meet someone online and get a date with them for tonight so fast?"

"Easy. It's already done."


"I set up your profile last week. You got a ton of messages!! I filtered them out and narrowed it down to one and you two are meeting for brunch today."

"Okay first off what did you put in my profile?!?! Second, shouldn't I be the one to pick my date. You could have picked an axe murderer for all I know!"

"Sang, he's a doctor. Not an axe murderer."

"You know the Craigslist Killer was pre-med. H.H. Holmes was a doctor. Just last year there was an Italian nurse who killed patients and took selfies with their corpses!! Selfies!!!"

"Okay, okay I get it. You watch too much Investigation Discovery. I totally checked this guy out he's safe, you are meeting in a public place and if you are not back or I don't hear from you I'll go straight to the police with his picture. Feel better?"


"Oh that's another message on your profile! Let's check it"

Isha_Sekushīna009: Hi Pookie! Can't wait for our brunch date see you later today...

"Why is he calling me Pookie? And what's his real name?"

"He started calling you that while we were chatting back and forth. And he said we could keep our profile names until we are comfortable introducing ourselves with real names."

"Well, that's nice of him. He won't be able to look me up if he doesn't know my name and I reject him". I start scrolling through the unread messages from other members of the site and I notice Karen has made my profile name Trouble10. I never understood why she calls me trouble...she's the one always getting me into trouble-I don't cause it!

"Click that one", Karen points to a message sent to me about half an hour ago.

MrPerfection: Hello Miss Trouble10, Your interests in the violin, outdoors and science have enticed me and I would be honored to get to know you further. I will be at The Red Rose Restaurant for brunch today wearing a gray suit and maroon tie. Hope to see you there.

Karen gets a glint in her eye and I know whatever comes out of her mouth next is just asking for trouble.

"Sang, you have to go out with both of them!"

"Karen, this Mr. Perfection guy wants to meet with me at the same time as Dr. Sexy."

"Wait, how do you know the doctor is sexy? I never showed you his picture."

"Nooo...his profile name is Doctor Sexy in Japanese. I just translated it on google."

"Well he's a little conceited. Anyways, what was I saying?? Oh yes! Go out with both of them at the same time. It will be like a game! A dating game!! Object of the game is to see how long it takes for one of them to catch on."

"That doesn't sound like a game. It just sounds like work and besides what do I win? And how do I win this so called 'game' you just pulled out of your butt."

"Easy, you win if they never catch on that you're playing them and I'll buy you a strawberry cheesecake if you pull it off. Sound good?"

"I can't say no to strawberry cheesecake!"

Sang's Dating MarathonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ