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"You're... sending us to Kwangya?" Siyeon said in disbelief as her and the others sat in front of the board members.

"I thought only the president was allowed to travel between dimensions," Renjun questioned and the men in front of them nodded their heads.

"That is the law, yes, but the president has told us that because Agent 22's name was the one that appeared, it only makes sense to send him and the rest of you," Hyunwook informed them and they absorbed the information.

"So what happens when we get there?" Mark asks, trying to find out as much as he can.
"What does Kwangya even look like?"

"From what we know, and what we know is limited, Kwangya is the desert dimension but in the centre holds an advanced city," one of the board members besides Hyunwook spoke up and Hyunwook nodded his head.

"The President has not informed us of the details on the city but rather describes it as grand and futuristic-"
"Other than that, you will be the first people to explore this dimension outside of the President."

The group all stayed quiet as they took on everything they were saying.

"Do you have any more questions?" Another board member asks them, closing his folder and looking at the group.

The eight of them all looked between each other before Jeno spoke up, "when we will be leaving?"

"And I have a few questions myself- does it hurt to travel between these dimensions? And what do we look for when we get there? Are we just going to be running around looking for nothing?"
"Also how will we pay for food- because I'm assuming we will be staying there for a few days- or are we only staying the day?"
"Will my phone work there?" Siyeon starting the outburst before Haechan joined in and Jaemin finishesd off the questions.

"Don't worry, everything will be written in the files left in your dorm by Dabin- and for when you depart? As soon as possible. We don't know how out of control this glitch is so it's best we take action immediately. So you will be leaving tomorrow morning," Hyunwook states and the group nods their heads.
"You may go prepare yourself and get some rest for tomorrow- it's going to be a long trip."

The group all stood up and bowed to the board members as they started to leave one by one. The eight of them bowing once more before turning to leave the room.

Hyunwook was sorting out his paper work when he felt a presence in the room. Tilting is head up to notice the boy standing besides his chair.

"Agent 22?"

"Is it dangerous?" Chenle asked abruptly, eyes holding a new found daunt to the them.

"Travelling through the Kosmos?" Hyunwook asked, seeming to know what he was insinuating and the boy gave a timid nod.
"And kwangya- is it... dangerous?"

Hyunwook gave the boy a sympathetic look, knowing that all of this confused him and he gave him a small tight smile.
"I am not sure. If I could tell you what all of this meant I would, but I simply do not know."

Hyunwook rounded the table, leaning against the edge as he looked down at the boy who he had been mentoring since he joined the agency a few years ago.

"I assure you Chenle, everything will be fine. You will have everyone in the agency monitoring everything over there and you will be the first to know if anything happens," he reassured and Chenle only gave him a curt nod.

"Now go rest up, you will need all the strength you've got," he petted his back supportingly before exiting leaving the boy alone.

A shaky exhale left his lips as he thought about everything they were just told.

"Everything will be okay," he assured himself, taking another deep breath before putting on a fake smile.

Coming to the conclusion throughout the meeting that he can't let the others know he's scared.

He doesn't want to put any more stress onto them than what this mission is already doing.

Everything will be fine.

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Glitch Mode ≫̸̘͖̣̞͈͕̒́͋ͅͅ Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now