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Im going to Kwangya, game in

Slowly pulling off her helmet, Siyeon let her eyes adjust to the blinding lights reflecting off of the white walls and floors

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Slowly pulling off her helmet, Siyeon let her eyes adjust to the blinding lights reflecting off of the white walls and floors.

It looked exactly like the room they had just been in. Eyebrows furrowing, she looked around.
"Are you sure we even left?"
The subtle ache of her body from the travel becoming prevalent.

The others looked around confused too, holding onto their helmets as they walked around the small circular room.

Siyeons free hand came up to her neck, fingers pressing into the muscle as she tried to soften the knot. Her body stiff from the travelling and she felt exhausted.

"Well I guess there's only one way to find out," Haechan says confidently as he pushed open the door that looked exactly like the one they had only just walked through.

Siyeon Made her way towards his side, peering over his shoulder as he pushes open the large door, the silhouette of a figure standing in front of them came into view.

"Welcome!" It announced loudly when it turned around and the group looked at it in shock.

Bright purple hair adorned it's head, large eyes and a wide smile as it stood straight with immaculate posture. It wore a similar black and white suit that the group was wearing.

And even though it looked human, it was not.

"Ah yes, let me introduce yourself. My name is Agent Velho and I am an æ," their eyes sparkled as they held out their hand in greeting.

Haechan looked at the animated 3D hand in front of him and shook it, shocked by the strength the æ had.
"Strong grip," he said and Velho's smile grew.

"Thank you," he lilted in glee.
"Now come, the agency has been waiting."
With pristine posture, Velho turned around and began to walk off- the group all looking at each other before following Mark out the door. Walking through an ominous hallway to which Velho pushed open another door

"This is Kwangya," Velho announced as they exited the building, hands going to his side and her head following his gesture.

"Wow," she gaped, eyes widening as her eyes traveled up.

Large sky scrapers surrounded her, every angle she looked was a building that reached beyond the clouds.

Billboards and neon lights and signs lit up her surroundings. The air around her shining hues of purples and greens, illuminated from the lights and she was in awe.

Walk ways between buildings went up into the sky, "they go up to the upper city," Velho said, noticing her wandering eyes.

Her gaze flicking to the æ before looking back up.
Even Earths biggest cities couldn't compete to this.

"The agency has been eager for your arrival," Velho spoke merrily, directing the group with a bounce in his step.

"Has anything change with the-"
"We shall refrain from speaking of the matter outside of the agency Agent 2," Velho smiled at Mark before extending his hands out. "Welcome to the Agency."

The group stopped in their tracks, eyebrows furrowing as they stared at a small rusted door hidden between a bin and a vending machine.

"Doesn't really look like much," Haechan taunted and Velho smirked, head tilting up a little as he jutted his head towards the entrance.

"Why don't you have a look yourself."

The group looked at each other curiously before following Mark towards the door.

Gently twisting on the door, the sound of gears could be faintly heard until the door opened.

Walking in the, one after the other, each of the groups mouths dropped and their eyes ventured up, and up, and up.

Pristine white walls followed up the entirety of the building. The lobby having access of view to each level all the way up until it reaches the sun roof up top.

Walk ways going diagonal and horizontally showed people crossing side to side in perfectly pressed black suits.

The amount of agents alone walking around this building that they could see almost doubled the amount on Earths division.

"What do you think now Agent 66?" Velho teased and Haechan shook his head in disbelief.

"This is insane."

Velhos eyes visibly lit up and he bounced in his spot, "I'm so glad you like it. Now, follow me, I have someone I want you to meet."

The nine of them made it towards these glass platform.
"Where's the barriers?" Siyeon asked but as soon as the words left her mouth the platform began to lift.

"Make sure to stay inside of the elevator, or you will fall to your death," he smiled brightly and Siyeon leant over to Chenle who was next to her, whispering, "don't you think he said that a little bit too cheery?" And Chenle nodded his head.

The platform continued to go up and up and soon enough, everyone on the bottom floor looked like specks of dust.

The platform had finally stopped on the top level and Velho began walking down one of the hallways.
"Common, my boss is very eager."

The hallway lead down to another door, tall, double doors that when pushed open by the æ lead to a massive room circled by windows.

In the center was a large desk and behind that large desk, looking out of the window, was the silhouette of a woman.

"Boss, they are here," Velho's words alerted the woman and she turned around.

"Welcome to Kwangya."

What're your thoughtsssss???

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What're your thoughtsssss???

Do you have any idea of where this will go? 👀

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