《ciel you are ciel?》

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"Are you kidding me?" I throw my pillow at my maid.

"No Lady Matilda." She doge the pillow. "Your mother is talking to him now." My maid looks terrified.

I got off my bed and walk to the window. "Father and mother said they will never force me to do something I don't want to do." I bit my nails in frustration.

I turn to my orange-headed maid. "Who is she with?"

"Ciel phantomhive." She said dramatically and I froze.

"Do you mean the boy who went missing after his house burn down?" I asked and Vicky nods her head.

"Vicky take me to them!"

Lady Matilda is like a demon, she has her sweet moments, nothing like what her parents make her out to be.


"Thank you ciel for agreeing." My mother said handing Ciel some tea. "I mean who could pass up a good deal," Ciel said looking through his eyelashes and sipping his tea.


I kick the door open. "Mother I don't accept this!" I said entering the room.

"Matilda didn't we teach you any manners." My mother sips her tea.

"We have guests now don't be so rude." Father wave me over to the table.

"I don't care about the guess how can you betray me." I take my seat.

"That guest can be your so-to-be husband." Father input.

I side-eyed my father. "That's no husband of mine."

"In what do you mean I betray you?" My mother asked raising an eyebrow.

*clears throat*

My mother and I both look at Ciel.

"My name is Ciel Phantomhive." Ciel introduced himself and reached his hand out to me.

"I don't care who you are," I said, staring down at his hand, refusing to shake it.

"Y/n! Matilda!!!" Both of my parents shouted at the same time."I'm so sorry she's really not like this." My father said trying to apologize for me.

"You don't have to apologize it's okay." I study the one-eyed boy with the blue-greyish infront of me. What is he up to and why does he want to marry me?

"Honey don't you think our little princess should get to know her husband." My mother claps her hand together like she just come up with the brightest idea ever.

"No," mother kick him underneath the table. "Yes, indeed honey."

"No, absolutely not," I said disagreeing with them shaking my head. "I think we should try." Ciel got out of his seat and walk around to my side. "Whenever you're ready m'lady." He holds out his hand.

I took a deep breath and place my hand inside his palm. We walk out of the dining room into the hall.


"You can let go of my hand now." I pull my hand out of his grip.

He chuckles a little.

"What's so funny?"

"Your parents told me you were an angel but all I'm seeing is an ungrateful pig." Ciel pushes back his hair.

"What did you say to me?" A vein pops out of my head.

"I said what I'm seeing." He said judging the hell out of me.

"I'm not a pig!" I shouted raising my hand to slap him, I clench my hand into a fist restraining myself from slapping him.

I walk away and Ciel follows me behind." Tell me something Ciel."

"Like what?"

"How did you get my parents to agree to this Bullshit?" I asked stopping in my tracks. "They didn't tell you?" Ciel asked with a little bit of surprise.

"Told me what?" I fold my arms turning to him.

"They own me." He said with a straight face looking directly into my (e/c) eyes. "Still this has nothing to do with me." I justify myself.

"But you see sweetheart they sign a contract." He told me taking a contract out of his jacket and I grabbed it out of his hands and rip it into million pieces.

Ciel gives a devilish smile at me and takes out another one. I facepalm myself. "And the contract also stated you have to give me an heir." He said showing me the paragraph that says so.

"I will do no such thing."

"Why not?" He tilted his head. "Don't you have a finance already?" I squinted my eyes at him."Yes, I do but the rules never say I can't have two." And I give him a disgusted look.

"And I'm the pig."

"You're still on that?"

"Yes, you call me a pig!!"


"Ciel, you didn't tell me anything about your parents?" I asked sitting in the garden and looking up at the sky.

"What is there to tell about my parents." He takes a glimpse of my face. 'Matilda actually has a cute face.' Ciel thought to himself.

"Did they agree to this marriage?" Now looking at the grass where Ciel's hand is.

"How should I know." In his voice, I could hear the sadness in it, 'Why does he sound so sad it's not like him. The rumours said he's liked a lifeless body.'

"They are your parents." I got off the ground and dusted off the grass off my blue dress. "My parents are de-."

"Young masters we are ready to leave ." The man that cut off Ciel, bowed when his eyes landed on me. And I avoided his eye contact, the way he look at me made my heart go BA-duMp Ba-DUmP.

I hold my chest."Sebastian." Ciel looks back at the black-haired man.

"I guess I will be going." Ciel grabs my hand and places a peck on it. I smile but I can't wait to wash it off.

"Till we meet again." I wave with a big smile on my face, when Ciel and Sebastian get out of my view I drop the fake ass smile.

"VICKY!!!!!" I scream for my maid. "Yes, Lady Matilda." Shouted back unstable because of running.


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