Chapter 2

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There was a side of peas and corn being passed around, merely for health which I gladly accepted.

"Are these homegrown?" I asked.

"Yep, we each do our share of taking care of the garden," Arthur answered.

"That's great, it's important to have a survival kind of skill set to work with, one I've yet to learn," I took a bite out of the bun and hummed in delight.

"It tastes as good as it smells, if not more, you're a very talented baker Hans, thank you for making extra," a light dusting of pink covered his cheek and he shied away.

"Thank you, I'm glad you like it," the table was loud at first but it died quickly once everyone truly started eating only for it to gather back up again. I was sitting in between Jack and Arthur, the Triplets sat across from us, and Hans and Merlin sat on the ends of the table. It was an amazing sound, not loud or obnoxious, but filled with warmth and friendship. It sounds cheesy and moronic, but I miss it. I miss this kind of sense.

A feeling of dread filled my body, I remember when I had these kinds of meals with my family, when I was young and naive when I couldn't understand what was going on around me, my fathers' laughter, my mothers' glorious smile, my brother's goofy faces, and outgoing persona and little Ivy with her babyish laugh. She had hardly been a month old but was making so much noise then. Those meals, times spent with family, there were so few moments like that. I rubbed my eyes; homesick, why do I have to develop those feelings now?

"Miss Evelyn, are you alright?" Jack asked, a small hand tapped my arm, I paused my eye rubbing and looked at him. He was quiet about it, so as not to disturb the mass.

"Yeah," I sniffed, "I'm alright, just allergies," he nodded his head. "Do you think you could help me find where to put my plate?"

"Of course, follow me," he hopped down from his chair and grabbed my hand. I quickly snatched my plate as he pulled me through a swinging, wooden door and into a spacious kitchen.

"Over here miss," he pointed towards a sink filled with cooking dishes and soon-to-be regular dishes.

"Jack, have you finished eating?" I spoke up.

"Why yes."

"Umm, if you don't mind, I'd like to help out some by cleaning the dishes, and I was wondering if you could direct me where the dishes go, I wouldn't want to mess everything up," he stared at me for a moment, trying to process what I had asked of him.

"I'd be happy to assist you, mademoiselle," he bowed slightly and walked up to the sink, he seemed short, like, way too short for it. This was built to accommodate humans, not dwarves, now that I think about it, this entire place was, not just the kitchen. He laughed nervously then looked around.

"Ah!" I watched him walk over to a step stool that allowed him to reach the sink. "This is embarrassing," I turned the water on and handed him something to scrub with.

"Not at all," he looked at me with a small smile then nodded. He helped me wash, dry and put away dishes.

"Where are you from, Miss Evelyn? Or is that too soon of a question to ask?" I continued to wash.

"No it's not too soon, I'm from Isocheim."

"The Winterlands? It takes a strong mind to live there, I could never, too dry for my skin," I chuckled at this.

"It can definitely get dry, but not all the time, during the summer and spring, it will rain a lot, to take place of the snow,"

"Ha! Summer in the Winterlands, quite the oxymoron, does it ever become too much there?"

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