Chapter 1

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Your POV

Titans, huh? Sounds odd. But you let Newton finish his story. He was fun to listen to; very expressive, and he detailed it very well too.

Finally, Newton finished. He looked at you with a sly smile and said, "And that's where we come in!"

"Great! But uh, who exactly is freeing the Titans?" You asked. Newton blinked.

"Oh, uh, I'll explain that when we get to my airship. For now, let's get off this mountain. I have a pressie for you!" Newton waved his hand as a silent order to follow. You gave a small nod and followed behind him.

The journey to Newton's airship wasn't as you expected. It was a little difficult, with a raging... River? Suppose that's what you could call it. At the end. But, Newton caught you in some sort of glass bowl and brought you safely to his airship.

Newton was on an elevated platform and led you to a big empty room. He looked down at you with a smile.

"Look at us! Co-conspirators ready for our first mission briefing!" Upon him saying that, a large blank board, complete with some outlines, appeared. The outlines appeared to be that of a house, a face and a tin box.

"Here, put this first sticker up!" Newton chirped. The wall opened up beside you, sending a ball rolling. You wondered if it would crush you, but it merely disappeared once it touched you.

You looked around in confusion before glancing up at Newton. He blinked.

"Oh! Um, it should be in your Popit," he explained, pointing at you. You raised an eyebrow before reaching into your right pocket. To your surprise, there was a jumble of string; which you pulled out.

Within the Popit was a sticker of a mansion. You grabbed it out and placed it perfectly on the first outline.

"That, my dear friend, is Stitchem Manor! That's where our enemy, Nana Pud, resides. Put her face up there, if you can stomach it." Newton muttered the last part. And just like the sticker of Stitchem Manor, another one came rolling and ended up in your Popit.

You placed the last sticker down, which Newton explained was the final resting place of the Titans, and then the two of you ran off into another large and empty room. Newton, of course, stood on an elevated platform.

"Imagination made mechanical! Handheld inspiration! It sucks! It blows! It is... the PUMPINATOR!" Newton exclaimed, turning on a mechanism.

The mechanism moved for a bit before stopping. You stared at it for a second before looking up at Newton. He frowned.

"This was working yesterday," he huffed before stomping his foot. Luckily, that seemed to work as the mechanism moved once more. Cardboard shooting star props popped out from the sides, revealing to be what looked like a blow dryer.

You looked up at Newton with a skeptical look on your face. He said nothing, merely waving his hand towards it with a smile.

You sighed and picked it up. You placed your finger on the trigger, unprepared for the burst of wind that came from it, ultimately knocking you to the ground.

Newton's POV

"Oh, oh no..." Newton breathed, hurrying down to their side.

"Are you alright chum?" Newton asked worriedly, helping them to their feet. Y/n took a moment to dust themselves off before looking at him.

"Yeah, I'm fine," they said, giving him a calming smile. Newton smiled back. He almost wondered if they would understand his intentions...

(Word count: 589)

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