Chapter 3

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Your POV

"Y/n?" A male voice murmured. Your eyes fluttered open and your gaze spotted Newton. You gave him a small smile and sat up with a yawn.

"Good morning Newton."

"G-good morning Y/n," Newton stuttered, pink electricity crackling on his cheeks again. You smiled and climbed out of the bed.

You took a moment to rub the sleep out of your eyes before walking up to Newton. "I'm ready now."

"Ready?" Newton echoed, looking a little confused. "Oh! Right. Uh, follow me chum!" Newton turned and darted out of the room. You giggled quietly to yourself before following.

"Here we are!" Newton announced, stopping. You came up beside him. "Step into the super, vertical-infiltration station and we'll be on our way!" Newton gave you a smile before hopping down into the super, vertical-infiltration station and grabbing hold of what appears to be the controlling mechanism you'd find on a claw machine.

Taking a deep breath, you hopped in beside him. Newton gave you another smile.

"And we're off!" He announced, pressing a button that dislodged the vertical station from the ship. Unfortunately for the two of you, however, the controlling mechanism did nothing and the two of you free fell.


Newton's POV

Upon landing, Newton helped Y/n out of the super, vertical-infiltration station before dusting himself off.

"Well," he began, turning to look at the vertical station. "That didn't work as well as I hoped."

"Hey, at least we made it," Y/n chimed in, gesturing back towards the giant manor. Newton turned to look and indeed, there stood Stitchem Manor.

"Let's go!" Y/n chirped before turning on their heel and marching up to the gates. Newton rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Uh, I'll be right behind you!" He called, but Y/n didn't appear to be listening. Newton frowned before walking away.

He felt guilty.

Wait... He shouldn't feel guilty! Once he had the Titans under his control, he'd make the perfect picnic spot for Y/n and himself!

Newton instantly felt better. Everything would go as planned!

Oh how wrong he was...

(Word count: 356)

See you soon!~ (Newton Pud x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora