Chapter 11: Conflicting Forms of Justice

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‼️This chapter of My Villain, My Balance contains themes of sexual trauma and may be distressing for some readers. Please proceed with caution and seek the outer support of others if you require it.‼️

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕰𝖑𝖊v𝖊𝖓

𝔾EY Oᑌᒪᗪᑎ'T OᗰᗰIT high treason, even if the King deserved it. It
would cost her head and probably everyone she cares about as well. Even nobles would be executed without question if they were conspiring to kill the King and seeing that she is only a servant, her punishment would be far worse than the usual death penalty. The crime would also cause turmoil in Ravka, which she works to serve without hesitation, so she would never try such a thing, right?


Although, I do not know how long she has been abused by the King or how many times. Too many, I thought. And it would be long enough that she could act on her darkest desires if she wanted to. She is in contact with King Alexander III almost every day, I presume. It would be very easy for her to slip the King poison in his wine or food.


I could be blowing this situation way out of proportion and the King is simply ill. There is a plague amongst the commoners and they come and go from the Grand Palace constantly like ants going in and out of their hill. It would be easy for him to catch a sickness... But the way Genya acted when I asked her if she knew anything about the King's sickness was incriminating in itself.


I jumped as my head shot up. The Darkling's head was canted and he looked at me from under the big oak tree where we were doing our daily training. His face expressed concern and his arms were crossed in front of his chest.

"Alina, have you heard any of what I have been saying?"

"I'm listening," I lied.

"Alright, then do as I just instructed."

I was unsure of what to do, so I cast a beam of light over the misty lake and a rainbow appeared. I smiled at him and he let out a small laugh.

"Lovely, but that wasn't what I asked."

I sighed. "Sorry. I am just lost in my thoughts, I guess."

His expression changed to one of guilt and he stepped closer to me. "I am sorry if I overstepped my boundaries last night. Is that why you are distracted?"

"Oh, not at all," I assured him.

He looked relieved though still concerned. "Then... what are you thinking about?"

I opened my mouth to answer, but what do I say? I think my friend—one of your loyal Grisha—is conspiring to kill the King and commit the highest example of treason against our country even though he deserves it. There was no way in hell I could say that, but I needed some sort of explanation for why I was distracted today, so I decided to kill two birds with one stone and ask for advice.

"What would you do if you thought someone you cared about was guilty of something?"

The Darkling hummed in thought as he strolled over to the oak tree and sat in the shade with his back to the tree's craggy bark. "If I thought someone I cared about did something wrong... I suppose I would search for evidence to make sure it is not a false accusation." I came closer and plopped down beside him shoulder-to-shoulder.

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