Old Friends and New

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Goddamn it, Arthur didn't like riding in carriages. It always made him feel like he was on the wrong side of things even if he weren't in that life no more.

He and Charlotte had left their purchases with the post clerk. Their parcels were now expected to board the next train to come through Saint Denis. With any luck, they'd be on that same train in the morning. If all went to plan, they'd be home and away from all this damn civilization by tomorrow afternoon.

Arthur tried to get his mind off of it and thought on their destination. Rhodes. He hadn't been back since...shit. Since they'd killed the Braithwaites and gunned down all them Grays. As much as he wanted to keep it to himself, he couldn't have Charlotte walking blind into that.

He cleared his throat and Charlotte turned her examination of the terrain to a study of him.

"I should, uh, probably tell you. Last time I was in Rhodes...we shot it to hell."

Charlotte gave him her full attention. "For what reason?"


He'd been trying to be more honest with her, about his past, but it was hard-going fighting the instinct to keep everything close to his chest. And when he did tell her certain things, he felt like a kid, confessing to foolish mistakes. 'Cept these were crimes with heavy consequences that a kid would have no business committing.

"It weren't what we intended. It was a job gone sour. We got ambushed."

"Will you be recognized?" she asked, all practical and calm.

God, he hoped not. Always was a fear in his gut when they left the cabin. He swallowed. "I reckon, we didn't leave no one of note alive."

"Alright. Well. I'll stay alert just the same."

Arthur didn't know how she always remained so outwardly undisturbed by his past. In the beginning, he thought it'd take a toll on her, that his crimes would eventually divide them like it had with him and Mary. But so far, Charlotte had listened and shared his burdens just as she'd promised. It was more than he could ever ask for.

Arthur swept up her hand now. "Thank you."

She smiled. "For what?"

Every time he revealed something, he feared it would change Charlotte's opinion of him, that he'd lose her. It may be foolish. She'd taken everything else he'd been able to tell her in stride, but still the fear nestled itself in his mind like a mite.

"I don't know. Liking me so much, I guess."

Charlotte shifted to fully face him, her knee brushing against his. "I don't mean to alarm you..."

He tensed, unsure of what she was about to say.

"...but you should know my affections go further than simple 'liking'."

He raised her hand to his lips. "How much further?"

Her green eyes practically twinkled. "It's immeasurable, I'm afraid."

"Is that so?" he murmured.

She leaned forward and he wasn't about to resist her. Often, kissing Charlotte felt like coming home at a slow, steady and familiar pace. But right now it was new and heated, like he was a young man again and lusting after a woman for the first time.

"Arthur..." she sighed and it nearly undid him.

Arthur roped an arm around her waist and slid her closer. Her arms came up to settle around his neck. He held her tight, kissing her hungrily and she responded in equal fever. Arthur breathed in Charlotte's gasp as his hand landed on her breast. Just as the rash idea of finding his way into her coat floated his mind, the coach started slowing down.

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