The Outlaw is Dead

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"It's too early."

Arthur's heart beat hard in his ears at the tremble in Charlotte's voice. His blood rushed like it did just before a gunfight and with it, the usual tide of calm followed, keeping him level-headed and above panic.

"Let's get you to the house," Arthur instructed, taking her by the elbow and leading her to the front door.

Their sudden entrance had Karen turning around from the stove. "What the hell—"

"The baby," Arthur cut in shortly, which had Karen abandoning her cooking and coming around the table to their side.

Charlotte fretted, "Something's not right."

"Take a breath, sweetie," Karen ordered. "And then tell me what you're feeling."

Charlotte obeyed her direction, breathing in a long intake of air and then releasing it. "Cramping. And..." Her forehead wrinkled. "...pressure."

"Hmm. That sounds like the starting of labor alright," Karen stated, matter-of-fact.

"But it's too soon," Charlotte protested.

"No, it ain't," Karen refuted. "You're a little early, but still in the time frame your daddy predicted."

"I suppose that's true..." Charlotte accepted reluctantly. "Perhaps you're right."

"Damn right I am." Karen grasped her shoulders and directed her to the bedroom. "Go lie down and we'll take this one step at a time."

Charlotte nodded. "Okay."

Arthur couldn't help mentioning, "She s'posed to be that pale though?"

Karen shot him a glare over Charlotte and he repressed a flinch. "She's fine, Arthur."

Charlotte continued to the bedroom and Arthur made to follow, but Karen pulled him by the arm as he walked by. Quietly, she told him, "I know you mean well, Arthur, but I can't have you in there."

"What?" he asked, indignant. "Why not?"

"If you're in there pacing and pulling your hair out, she ain't gonna concentrate on the birth. She'll be too damn worried over you."

He glared at Karen, generating as much of an intimidating presence as he could. "I ain't leavin' her side. Especially for this."

Karen straightened to her full height and poked his chest. "You'll damn well do as you're told if you want this to be a smooth birth for her."

Arthur flinched back, as if struck.

She told him dismissively, "Go keep company with your horses for awhile and I'll call you in when I need you."

He looked over Karen's shoulder at Charlotte getting comfortable on the bed. He noted a spasm of pain flit across her face before she replaced it with a smile his way, proving Karen's point that she'd try to be strong for him over herself.

In a softer tone, Karen said, "Trust me to do this, Arthur."

She seemed confident and if he'd detected any doubt, he would have stood there and argued further.

"How long's it gonna take?"

Karen crossed her arms. "You know it don't work like that, Arthur."

Maybe he should feel offended Karen only saw him as useless in this situation, but more than anything he was relieved to have the responsibility falling to someone else with more knowledge. Sure, he'd seen plenty in the birth of animals in his lifetime, but he didn't know enough not be stricken with fear at the sight of Charlotte in any sort of suffering.

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