Girl Talk

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"I'm afraid my jewelry collection is limited these days," said Charlotte to Karen as she led her to the bedroom, "but I may have a piece or two that will suit you."

In fact, Charlotte's box of jewelry was in a state of disuse lately. There seemed to be no point in a daily beauty presentation when her days were usually filled with chores and no visitors. The box was so neglected she had to recover it from the dresser's bottom drawer, beneath clothes she currently had no use for.

Karen studied the contents on the dresser while Charlotte sorted through hair accessories. Arthur's hat lay over his thin, sketch journal. The leather bound one he gifted her was next to it, the baby stockings arranged on top, side by side, but Karen didn't take any notice of them. The box of paints and brushes occupied the rest of the space. After this party, Charlotte would have to tidy up and find better homes for these items.

Karen commented, "Living way out in woods like this, how the hell did Arthur come across you?"

Her lips turned upward in memory of Arthur's eventual confession. "Would you believe he originally meant to rob me?"

Karen tilted her head, a thin blonde eyebrow lifting. "I'd say that's how most normal folk meet someone like him."

"Is that so?" Charlotte chose a french comb encrusted with amethysts that she thought might compliment the lighter color tone of Karen's hair.

"What, he ain't told you how much of a dirty criminal he is?"

"Mm...some." Charlotte moved a chair to face her mirror and gestured for Karen to sit. "Let me comb out your hair and see if I remember how to braid."

Karen took the seat and snorted. "Arthur ain't much of a talker, is he?"

"Only when he wants to be," Charlotte admitted, gliding a brush over Karen's blonde hair. "He has his secrets, but that isn't to say we haven't made progress."

Arthur seemed to find it easier to speak of the tragedies that happened to him rather than admitting his own direct actions. "That being said, would you mind lending some context for me?"

"Like what?"

"Well..." Charlotte started her braiding. "I'd like to hear more about Arthur's time in the gang."

"What do you want to know?"

In the mirror, she saw her own eyes reflect a sudden spark of intense interest. "Everything."

Karen laughed at her. "You say that now, but he ain't no saint. Make no mistake about that."

"I am aware of certain details, but he's kept his experiences close to his chest." Charlotte pondered over what she wanted to know most of all. "What role did he serve in this gang?"

"He was Dutch's enforcer." At Charlotte's furrowed brow, Karen elaborated, "You need to get someone to talk, you sic Arthur on him. Need someone to collect a debt? Send out Arthur. An extra gun on a raid, robbery or burglary? Arthur. He was the muscle and a gun, and he'd beat the shit out of anyone Dutch wanted him to."

Oh my. Karen had less reservations about what to reveal than even Mrs. Adler.

Karen continued, "That what you wanted to hear? That he was the gang's number one thug?"

Charlotte admitted, "It does explain quite a lot, in fact."

She contemplated this new information pensively. Out of Arthur's own mouth she'd heard him refer to himself in a negative light. However, it wasn't the only aspect that existed of the life he wanted to forget. She'd seen a sample of the people he associated with and his interactions with them.

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