Hijinks in Hosiery

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Acting the part of hoity-toity rich lady was wearing thin real fast. After Karen had her say with Arthur, trying to get him to see what was right in front of him, she was ready to slip the mask off and be herself again.

Sure, it'd been fun making up a bullshit background and acting like some of these rich bloods were too poor of company for her. But it had grown tiresome over the course of the evening.

She'd had plenty of practice keeping up a front as the drunken harlot or lost girl. Yet, she was beginning to realize a fifteen minute act in front of strangers she'd never see again was nothing compared to a full day of interactions with the same people.

Unfortunately, unless she wanted to call the wrong sort of attention to herself, she couldn't stop her act now. Which wouldn't be so annoying except everyone she liked at the wedding party had turned in early. Arthur had dropped to the floor, Charlotte stayed at his side and Ben was one of the men who volunteered to help carry him upstairs.

Before Karen could follow, Martha, Charlotte's mother, laid a hand on her arm, saying, "There's no need to disrupt your enjoyment of the party, Miss Jones. Please stay."

Since she couldn't think up an excuse and knew she wouldn't be any help to the others, Karen did stay. She wandered the ballroom aimlessly, occasionally accepting a dance from a stranger, but never more than one. Usually, she never had a problem having fun on her own, but tonight, without the others and without any alcohol, there was no appeal.

She'd kill for a whiskey, but even if she'd still been drinking her days away, nothing offered at this party was strong enough to suit her needs. All they were serving was wine.

An hour after Charlotte and Arthur's departure, Karen was ready to turn in. She slipped from the ballroom easily enough, but party guests crowded the halls and staircase. To avoid any questions her way regarding Arthur's tumble, Karen ambled her way towards a lesser known path, a narrow staircase in the kitchen used by the servants.

Throughout the morning and afternoon, Karen had explored the house extensively with Grace and Ruthie. Watching those girls hadn't been how she'd wanted to spend her morning, but she'd gained the knowledge on how to get around the house better. So, all in all, it hadn't been a waste of her time.

However, as she entered the kitchen, she heard voices behind her in the hall. Instinctively, Karen slipped into the pantry, hiding. It only took her a moment to realize what a foolish reaction it was. If found, she'd look all the more suspicious to be hiding instead of acting like she meant to be in the kitchen.

Karen made to leave the pantry when the voices became recognizable and in the middle of an argument.

"...bribery isn't working, Martha. I told you it wouldn't from the start."

Howard Dorsch. Karen had caught her first glimpse of the man at the party. He'd been the one to methodically check Arthur over after his collapse.

Martha argued, "I'm sure if Ralph and Cecilia have their chance to talk with her—"

"No," Howard interrupted her. "There shall be no more bribes and no more easy-going discussions. The only solution now is to confront her directly."

"But, Howard—"

"You've had a chance to convince Charlotte to remain home your way, Martha," he cut in. "Now it's my turn."

The couple passed by completely and Karen was tempted to follow to see if she could hear any more. But once she left the kitchen, it would be impossible not to be seen. She slipped from the pantry and started up the servants' staircase.

What was old Dorsch up to?

Arthur had warned her to watch out for him, but she'd thought he'd been paranoid. But from what she'd just heard, Dorsch really was a devious bastard with machinations on the mind.

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