Just a Shave

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Arthur was damned lucky Charlotte didn't scare easily. Mighta been on his way to a noose right now...or lying dead from those Raiders shooting up the jailhouse. Where he'd seen no answer, Charlotte had sought a solution and they'd made it out alive.

But his conversation with her afterwards had him unsettled.

"What does this mean to you?" Charlotte had asked, holding up their hands meaningfully.

Everything, he should have answered, but he'd been too dumbstruck by the question.

She should know by now she was his future. Why would she question it? Though, he s'posed he'd done a shit job of proving it. He'd acted the fool and proved the bastard he was by trying to scare her.

She'd been right. First sign of trouble and his instinct was always to push her away and get out on his own. Damn. Maybe she did have every right to doubt him. He wasn't sure anymore what qualities he possessed that had Charlotte defending him and keeping him around.

Arthur hadn't been aware he made a sound until Charlotte turned to him.

"None of that melancholy sighing today," she tutted. "We're nearly to Saint Denis and then we'll be home."

He gripped her hand. "Can't be there soon enough."

As if the world chose to spite him and Charlotte's words, a conductor came down the aisles as they were slowing into the station with bad news.

"Alright, everyone, we're going to make a brief stop in Saint Denis in order to hook on another car. I'll need everyone to exit when we come to a complete stop. If you plan to continue north with us, return to the train in an hour, when the clock strikes noon."

Arthur muttered, "Shit. Can't just have a simple trip to the city, can we?"

"That's alright." Charlotte patted his hand. "We can stop by some shops while we wait."

"More shopping?" he said in disgust. "Ain't you tired of that?"

"I was thinking of doing something for Karen. We left in a bit of a hurry after all. She hardly has any personal belongings."

As they disembarked, Charlotte left his side and caught up to Karen, who admittedly was standing hesitantly near a bench, like she ain't got no where to go. It was likely the case as Arthur hadn't had a chance to make their offer to stay yet.

Charlotte looped a decisive arm through Karen's. "Fancy a quick shopping trip while we wait for the train?"

Karen glanced at Arthur and he shrugged. Karen said ruefully, "I don't have much for money."

"Neither do I at the moment." Charlotte waved a hand. "We don't need to buy anything. We'll merely...window shop a bit."

Arthur narrowed his eyes on her less than honest answer. He knew her well enough by now to know when she weren't being truthful. Not to mention, she'd only just told him her plans to make purchases for Karen, but he suspected she was treading lightly in case Karen put up a fuss.

As soon as they started walking the streets in Saint Denis, Arthur saw it in full swing for celebrations. Carolers were roaming the main street. Street vendors were trying to sell last minute cheap gifts. The entire city smelled of baked goods. It was Christmas Eve, after all. Arthur'd nearly forgotten in dusty Rhodes, where the snow couldn't quite reach and only the chill evening air gave evidence of the winter.

Ahead of him, the women walked and Charlotte was asking Karen about different types of clothing and styles. As they went on about some specific garment or another, Arthur's mind and eyes wandered down the street they were passing. His attention was snagged by a red, white and blue painted wooden pole.

There's No Place Like Rhodes (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now