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Talking and questioning

Its been a couple of days since the hole 'salvis' insisted and i still haven't talked to sal. . .ive tried but every time i just chicken out, now things are just akward between us. . .my thoughts where interrupted by Dee;

"Oi class is over."

"Oh- yeah lets go"

"You still thinking about the blue kid?" He sighed trying to think of sals name

"You mean sal?" I chuckled

"Yeah sal."

"Yeah. . .i dont know dude"

"You should talk to him, ash told me you two are close so surely you should be able to have a civil conversation with him" he says with his thick russian accent. . .its kinda hot not gonna lie. . .

"I dont know, it just seems wierd"

"What you homophobic or something" Dee said in a sarcastic tone

"Wh-WHAT NO!?"

"Larry, chill. I was jokeing."

"Y-yeah, enyway i cant be homophobic im bi" i akwardly chuckled

"You are?"

"Yeah dude" Dee didn't say enything, instead he gave me a wierd look "what are you homophobic?" I chuckled, slightly worried that he was.

"What? Of course not."

"Aight then. Well we should head to lunch"

We made are way to the lunch hall when i suddenly bumped into someone.

"Oh shit so-" i went to apologise but then i realized who i bumped into. . .sal. . .

"Oh. . .hey lar. . ."

Nows my chance! but what if i mess up even more? Fuck it.

"Hey. . .look sal we. .we need to talk." I quickly blurted out before giving Dee a worried look, he gave me a somewhat conforting and encouraging look in return.

"Yeah. We do." Sal agreed

"Well im gonna find ash" Dee stated before walking of leaving me and sal in the deserted hall way.

"Look, im sorry" i started "i shouldn't of freaked out and i feel like a conplete asshole about it! But for fuck sake sal, phelps really!?"

"Larry. . ."

"Sorry, sorry, its just he put you through so much!"

"He couldn't help it."

"What. . ?"

"It's not my place to tell since its travis's personal business but i can say that he's in a bad situation and didn't have a healthy outlet, but hes realized that and has apologised alot"

"Oh. . .shit" hearing that made me feel like shit, i was so harsh on him without knowing his story but then again he did pick on us alot. . .

"Hey, i get it. Travis was a prick but he's trying so please just give him a chance. . .for me?"

"Fuck dude. . .somehow even though you've got that prosthetic the puppy eyes still work" i akwardly chuckled as a way to defuse the tension

"Hah. Its my secret weapon!" Sal chuckled in response "so we're cool now?"

"Yeah" i sighed, finally! I wasn't sure how much i could take of the tension between us. "Soooo how'd this even happen?"

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